Chapter 29: Mother Daughter

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                 Ilia was driving her car towards her home estate, it was in the high-district as her family had the money to live there, one reason why they aren't in the noble homes is that they don't want to deal with political ass-hats that are found in the noble-homes, politics is trouble enough they don't want their home to be frequently visited by what her mother called 'flies and bugs to our important time', she never had the same relationship with her mother before the incident, both meeting Mel and her mother becoming cold made her pursue and develop her own tech but remembering the boy that saved her she wanted to see first hand on how the huntress life would be out of curiosity.

She remembers when she enrolled in the academy two years prior being in the team of her savior and her two friends. When she passed the initiations in a yellow zone she wasn't teamed up with anyone at the exam though she was integrated by the headmaster to other teams most of which were not so great experience for her, some disliked her the other fanned about her it has gotten to a point that her own reputation was the one inhibiting her from actually being part of a decent team, she remembered sighing about her predicament in the tech-department where she decided to put her huntress career on hold, it was weird that the headmaster allowed her to do such thing, at first she thought it was because of her name that gave her the privilege but apparently it was much more than she realizes.

One time curiosity got the better of her and she went to the headmaster's office, she wanted to personally ask the headmaster but to her surprise his office was empty, she then let her curiosity got the better of her as she then places a hand on the headmaster's computer as circuit patters form onto her fingers then the computer, she broke multiple firewalls and security protocols under a few seconds before she saw a file about something called project MSIL and to her surprise her name and picture was there along with three other people but their pictures were silhouettes but she can see their status the first figure said 'In active combat' second one is 'Missing, Influenced' and then it was her 'In Academy, Tech-division' this made her eyebrow rose as she thought 'He was keeping tabs on me and 3 others, project MSIL?' then her eyes then land on the last person it was obvious that the last was a halfling like her and the status seemed normal 'In combat school' 'Huh... pretty mundane for a secret project about what I assume is a team' she thought.

"I do hope you found what you're looking for because breaking and entering the computer of the headmaster" A voice spoke and it was the headmaster as he was sitting on the couch of his office sipping tea and Ilia jumped back from the computer which turned off immediately after her hand left the hardware "You were so engrossed with the information you've read you didn't notice me enter the room and set down a tray a kettle of tea and cups, would you join me?" James said as Ilia complied not looking at the headmaster and he chuckled "It is fine little lady" he said as he was taller than Mel's current height and Ilia being a few inches shorter than what she is now.

"Who... were the others?" she asked and the aged man chuckled and sighed as he sipped his tea and slide a cup towards her, she was wondering who they were, it was obvious the other two were female but the first one... she recognizes him from the incident.

"Why? Your new teammates, their fates as to them entering the very academy that we stand in is unknown but I would prefer them be here, I would say that I think you four would be the best team from my observations from them but... the first one is pretty stubborn and the second one is currently missing but I hear about her here and there, but you're curious instead of being called team why was it titled project?" he asked the girl who nodded in response.

"Now that will be a bit more complicated to explain, let us just say I have reason to believe that every generation there are the exceptionals, then I want to bring those together and make something more, I believe that these people that I deemed project including you will go very far, the only thing that we need now is patience until they reveal themselves in our radars to have them be guided here" he said with vagueness that confused the heiress "Now, I never saw you here child, and you never saw what was in the computer, this conversation didn't exist so, thank you for your time Ms. Elvyn" the headmaster said and Ilia snapped out of her contemplating moment and bowed to the headmaster before leaving.

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