The battle

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The two emperors ran out their doors and to the stables for their horses. Both of them were suited up in armour and had their weapons. As soon as both were ready they took off to the battle.
When they arrived there were many of their men and the opposing faction's men dead around them. Techno nodded to Phil before jumping off the horse and attacking. Phil took to the skies and shot down enemy soldiers with his bow.

The opposing faction was a lot bigger than the Antarctic Empire. The opposing faction was winning quickly. Around Techno more of his men were dying. This infuriated the piglin as he had helped train many of these men. The mad pigling had shouted "Blood for the blood god!" As he ran through cutting down men.

Above the battle was Phil. He was shooting down any man he could. Some archers had turned their bows to the sky to ground Phil. Fortunately Phil had flown out of the way of the arrows before they could hit. The archers soon fell from Phil's precise aim.

A few archers turned their bows to Phil. They all fired. The arrows hitting the elytrian. Phil screeched in pain as he fell. Techno's eyes widened as he watched his best friend fall out of the sky.

The downed elytrian hit the ground and was soon surrounded by his men. Techno fought through the opposing army, suffering many stab wounds. As Techno reached Phil he had been stabbed again. Techno fell to the floor beside his best friend.

Phil weakly looked up towards Techno, holding his hand out to the other. Techno took Phil's hand into his. Neither had wanted to die alone. So they would hold hands until they both went.

Around them, the Antarctic empire soldiers watched. They watched as the light faded from the two best friends eyes. They watched as both went limp. They watched unable to do anything.

The ground rumbled with the sky. Kristen the goddess of death had appeared. She began to do her job, unaware of her husband and her other boy. The goddess went throughout the battlefield collecting the souls.

Soon she came upon a group of soldiers in blue. The small group was surrounding something. A soldier looked up, recognizing the goddess as Phil's wife. "Ma'am." He said bowing.

End of the Antarctic empire Where stories live. Discover now