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Kristen save him a grim smile. "Hello dear," She said before asking; "What are you all looking at?" She asked the familiar guard. The guard gave her a sad smile. All of the guards surrounding the two emperors stepped away.

Kristen's eyes widened as she saw the two bodies. "Oh my gods..Phil..Techno..!" She had gasped out, looking at their bloodied bodies. She took a step forward. Kristen crouched down next to the two's bodies.

Anyone who knew about the relationship between their two emperors and the goddess knew of the goddess's pain. Kristen screamed as she hugged the two. The guards all bowed their heads respectfully. Everyone here had lost friends and family.

Kristen rose, two souls in her arms. "I'm sorry for your losses, I will take care of all of them." The goddess promised the men. The guards surrounding her had nodded. With that, Kristen had left with the final two souls.

The guards started gathering their fallen. The guard who had warned Techno and Phil took the two emperors back. The walk back was enveloped in a crushing silence. The castle no longer warm. No longer filled with the melodious laughter from Phil. No longer filled with the wisdom from both.

Once they had returned they had entered the castle's burial ground. All of their fallen were buried and words were said. No longer was there hope for the Antarctic Empire.

Today was a bad day for everyone. The Antarctic Empire had suffered the worst loss in history. Kristen had lost her boys. Everyone had lost family.

Today was a horrible day for Death. She would never be able to look back down upon earth. She would never be able to find her husband alive. She would never hear the two laugh on earth. (Not until the events of the DSMP.) Her two immortals were killed fighting for their empire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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