Chapter 3: 100 Summers

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"You can't even tie my shoes, baby boy." A'sani chucked the basketball at Kai, making me bust out laughing. "This nigga swear he boul'," Kai stated while pointing at A'sani. "You and I both know who the better man is, on and off the court," A'sani remarked cockly, pulling up his basketball shorts and running his hand over his waves. "He's right at you bro'. You goin' take that?" I instigated the 1 on 1 game even further, between my two best friends, watching as Kai's light skin turned red in the face. "Man fuck y'all." Kai let out harshly, making Asani and I burst out in a fit of laughter. "You lucky I gotta head home or else I would have whooped that ass some more," A'sani said walking backward off the court. A smile grew on my face watching as he continued to taunt Kai, something that only he could do.

"Siah, I said come on." Solei appeared in front of me, pulling my arm to follow her towards the basketball court where Sani's balloon release was being held. It had been a week since his passing, I felt anxious at the thought of seeing Ms. Arshad. I haven't spoken to Kai or DJ since that night and was hoping to run into them here. I know they wouldn't miss it. Just as I was getting back into my thoughts, Solei let go of my arm running to A'ora.

" We should've got him that PS5 he was begging for huh?" Solei said as A'ora chuckled sadly. I glanced at the white and blue balloons she held in her hands. Not knowing if she would question me about that night I avoided eye contact, trying to stand back and just observe. Suddenly I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind, causing me to instantly tense up knowing exactly who it was.

" You came, I'm so happy you're here." Ms. Arshad turned my body around grabbing onto my face and pulling my head down to lay a kiss on my forehead.

" Your grandmother stopped by the house the other day, you know I always loved her mac' n cheese. She finally gave me the recipe, guess that's her way of sending her condolences. Although I was hoping I would see you sooner." I stared back at her, Ms. Arshad was a beautiful woman, at 46 years old she didn't look her age. Having smooth dark skin, she kept moisturized in cocoa butter. Her hair was always pressed out, resting on her shoulders. Dark brown eyes were the most captivating, having a slant that reminded me of the chinks, and long eyelashes. She was a small woman, standing at only 5'2 and petite.

"I'm sorry, I should've stopped by sooner. I've been meaning to but a lot has been going on." I mustered up the nerve to answer.

"I didn't know what to tell the cops that night, they said he had a seizure. His body went into shock. They haven't told me anything else. Just another shooting on the block I guess." Ms. Arshad pulled me in closer to her, whispering into my ear; " I don't know what happened that night, but I don't want this for you. Let his name rest, no more bloodshed." She let go of me, giving me a stern look, I nodded my head. "I mean it, Messiah, no more. I don't want anyone else's mother to feel the way I do." Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence, making me look towards Solei as she gave me a light smile holding onto two sets of white and blue balloons. "Bloods gonna shed, either way, Mama," I mumbled, making her squeeze my arm.

" Sorry for your loss Ms. Arshad." Kai appeared next to us suddenly, neither of us noticing he was walking towards us. Looking around the court was filled with people from the block and school. Ms. Arshad and A'sani were known in our neighborhood. He was a kid everybody loved, especially when he stepped foot onto the very court we were mourning his short-lived life.

I dabbed Kai up, before walking off while Ms. Arshad intended to give him the same short message she relayed to me. "You okay?" Solei questioned as I wrapped my arms around her waist, stuffing my face into her neck, smelling her signature scent, Miss Dior, I had just bought her a new bottle as a graduation gift. " Yeah, hungry but I'm good." I kissed the inside of her neck lifting my head to be face to face with her. Solei' Aamal Rene was the only girl I ever truly loved. Yeah, I've said; "I love you." to other females before, but that was just so I could get my dick wet.

Solei was the only girl to ever meet my grandmother, she's been by my side since sophomore year. Lips full and covered in gloss, her lip liner enhanced her cupid's bow. A button nose with nose piercings on both sides, she smiled at me a little showcasing her straight teeth held back by her retainers. I kissed her cheek, smooth brown skin that held a tan since summer started. "I like your hair." I grabbed one of her braids, twirling it around my finger.

"Thank you, my aunt did them for me, they're called knotless." She took the braid out of my hand making me lean back to get a better look at her. She wore a set outfit, which was all she wore. The bright pink color complimented her skin, my eyes traveling down her long legs, Solei stood tall at 5 '7 and was skinny as ever. Her legs glistened in baby oil, as I glanced at her white toes that looked nice in her Tory Burch sandals.

" I'm leaving with A'ora later if that's cool with you?" Solei raised her left eyebrow which was thin, and perfectly arched, looking at me with concern. "Yeah, you good, save me a plate." I took two of the balloons out of her hands.

"Wassup Soli." Kai walked over giving Solei a side hug. "Hey, Kai, I'll let you two talk, I'll be by the gate." Solei gave me a quick peck before walking off. I met Solei through Kai, their mothers grew up together. "Wassup with her?" Kai questioned watching Solei as she walked off. "Nothing, everybody not feeling it today bro." I deflated the situation, not wanting to tell Kai that Solei blamed him for a lot of things that have happened since the beginning of our senior year.

"Yeah, I hear that, but I got the drop on them niggas for Sani," Kai whispered, looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. " Oh yeah, where they stay at?" I wondered my adrenaline rushing at the thought of seeing them again. " They play the ball down at the Rec' on Sycamore. I got this young bitch that knows one of them." I listened while waiting for Kai to tell me more. " What you wanna do?" He glanced at me slyly. " I want all of em' 6 feet under." I let out curtly. " I got you, meet back at the garage with the money tonight, I got some new toys to show you," Kai stated as Ms. Arshad called for everyone's attention.

Looking out into the crowd, my eyes dashed onto the street noticing a white van pull onto the block, suddenly the side doors flew open. "Oh, shit-" Kai yelled before shots rang out, and screams spread across the court like a wave.


All that flashed across my mind before I dropped to the ground, my eyes jumping around the court frantically.

"Get up, we gotta go." Kai yanked me up, as we crouched running across the street.

"Nah man, where's Solei?" Turning around desperately looking at the crowd, with everyone running into each other going their separate ways.

Where is she?

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