Skinnydipping is always fun and of course shopping

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Klaus pov
This girl was feisty, I really liked this Elena and well since I'm always interested in her blood, I figured why not have a taste. I ran to the lake, already passing her and stopped when I got there. I looked up at the moon waiting for the others when small hands pushed me forward into the water. I growled at whoever attacked me but stopped when I saw Elena doing a surprisingly graceful swan dive in her drunken state. I listened to the footsteps of my brothers close by and heard their splashes as they dove in.
"Ha Kol loses, guess you didn't want my blood that bad." She smirks, he snarls playfully and splashes her. She narrows her eyes and splashes back. I felt a hint of jealousy, I wanted to be alone with her, but I pushed that thought away.
"You two are so childish." I laughed but joined in. Elijah stands away from the splash zone but soon Elena attacked him, pulling him under. He soon turned the tables and holds her down while the rest of us splash her.
"Alright, I surrender." She spluttered.
"Have we ever given up on anything, Ms. Gilbert." Elijah grinned, and I smiled, this was the first time in a while he's been anything but serious and with that we pulled her down again. She wrenched out of our arms and swam, jumping to the cliff.
"Catch me if you can." Elena smiled, reaching to the moon and diving again through the water. She disappeared and we swam after her, she was hidden in a little pool behind the waterfall, floating on the water. She heard us and dove under and laid at the bottom waiting for us. It was quite deep for a small pool. We laid there with her, staring at the moon glinting off the waves. We stayed there for a while, since we were vampires we could hold our breath indefinitely.
Suddenly she shot up towards the surface and we followed.
"I have decided all of you can have a taste, but first back gets first taste and you have to let me get there first since I will judge who won." She said as we resurfaced, we agreed and she took off again.
I beat them again and told her that I would do it later saying, it should be private and the others said the same.
We told Elena she could stay here since she didn't want to be around her other friends and gave her a spare room to sleep in.
I slept peacefully with dreams of her.
Elena pov
I woke with the smell of bacon frying and sped toward the kitchen.
"I heard you made a deal with my brothers about your blood, you are very surprising." Rebekah said as soon as I entered.
"Oh yeah, well is that weird should I not, I know blood sharing is personal, I was very drunk last night." I rambled.
"Do whatever, but you know I think I like you not weak or cowardly, you are more fun, you just had to get out of the Salvatores grasp." She smiled warmly.
"I need some girl time, want to go shopping?" I asked happy of our new found friendship.
"Fuck yes! I'm taking you to Paris and Milan and all the high fashion places in the world. This is going to be so much fun! And then you can do whatever naughty things you want with my brothers. Oh my god, we totally have to go to Victoria's Secret." She squealed and winked at me. I blushed and she left telling Klaus we needed his private jet. I piled my plate with waffles and bacon and various fruits, drowning it all in syrup.
"Well well, famished are we, especially after last nights activities." Elijah grinned, took my plate and tickled me. I was soon gasping for breath in between giggles.
"Ok ok I surrender, I'll do anything." I gasped
"How bout that blood of yours?" He smirked. I just smirked back.
"Of course, neck or wrist."
"Neck." He didn't hesitate and stepped forward and I stepped back, we continued this until I was cornered.
"No way, Klaus is first and Mr. Mikealson, I would never figured you for being naughty." I whispered.
"If you want you can bite me." He said and winked.
"Naughty." I said again but tilted my head as an offering.
"You must bring it out in me." He said before kissing my neck.
"Playing dirty are we brother?" We both jumped at the sound of Klaus's voice.
"Never." He smiled and picked up my plate and gave it to me. I blushed again sat down and began wolfing down my food. Kol walked in too and grabbed a plate.
"Rebekah says you two are going shopping and something about getting sexy lingerie." I choked on my food and looked up to see the three Mikealsons staring at me with a glint in their eyes.
"Bekah, I'm going to kill you!" I shouted knowing she would hear.
"And here I thought you loved me." She sniffed. I narrowed my eyes when she walked in, not believing her innocent face.
"Mm when are we leaving?" I asked, distracting myself from their stares.
"After breakfast, Paris first and then maybe Victoria's Secret." She grinned evilly as the boys' smiles widened. "Then the other places and you can come back hear while I go bother Matt at the bar for a few hours or maybe all night who knows?" She winked. I sighed finishing my food and sped off to get dressed.
1 day later
Even with vamp speed and our own private jet we spent hours shopping coming back with loads of bags, dresses, shoes, makeup and yes sexy lingerie.
Bekah made good on her promise and left as soon as we got back. She also said I could stay with them for as long as I like, of course with approval already from the rest of her family.
I think I was beginning to like the boys, they treated me as me and somehow I felt safe and happy with them.

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