Chapter 6: Is he yours or not?

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When she got home, Kim was there waiting for her on the porch. She held a vase of flowers, which she gave to Amanda as she came to open the door. 

 "Have you been waiting long?" She asked. 

 "Not really, about fifteen minutes or so." 

 "And you got me flowers?" 

 "As much as I would like to take credit, I found them there. Honestly tell me, how does a shy girl such as yourself manage to meet a guy in less than two days after moving to another city? Surely it had to have been some moment that was worthy of flowers the next day."

 "I was just having a good day I guess. As I said, though, it's never going to happen again." 

 "Why is that again? Remind me, because you forgot that explanation last night" 

 "Did you hear me last night when I said gorgeous like Chris? Gorgeous, Kim not just cute or handsome. What would a guy like that be doing with a girl like me?" 

 "What the hell are you talking about? You are smart and beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to get you. The way I see it, the only thing wrong is your shyness and your low sense of self-worth. He will work on that while you are here. What did the note say, anyway? You also left out the details on that." 

 "I should just show you. It sounds strange when I say it out loud. I tried."

She ran upstairs for it and came back down after a minute. She handed it to Kim, who with great concentration read the contents. 

 "I don't know what to say. It sounds like he really likes you." 

 "Of course, you would think that. That is what the note says, but I am not taking that as anything. Men are deceivers when it comes to things like this. It could be a bet."

 "It also could not be a bet. It could just be a really nice guy who saw and liked a really nice girl."

"I lost hope in fairy tales, Kim. I don't know if I could get it back."

 "Sure, if only you could just try." 

 "I have tried, but how much trying must I do? I am tired of feeling bad because I look at myself and obviously, what I see people don't, Kim."

 "We see. And because we see, it doesn't matter all the people who don't see."

"That is easy for you to say. You have always been pretty and petite."

"And that still doesn't make me happy."

 "What does?" Kim looked at her with eyes that seemed suddenly blank, with emotions.

"I don't know. For years, I thought nothing could ever make me happy. But you being here, it makes me happy. So I hope you are here to stay." 

 "I'll think about it." Amanda went over to sit opposite her on the sofa.

"What happened to you? You were the liveliest person I knew and now I can't get a read on you." 

 "Nothing happened except that I moved to a new place and started a new life which I like, but I haven't really been able to enjoy anything." 

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