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The Wind Guides Me Home

(John Smiths POV)

John watched as the small figure standing on the rock disappeared, realizing that it was his time to go back to London.

He didn't want to leave her, but he realized that it would have hurt her more to have him stay there and most likely die...

The infection in Johns Smith's body needed proper care, and going back home was his only chance. He just wished that there was a way that she would have come with him...

Throughout the journey home, John smiths pain kept him in and out of sleep, allowing him little rest. This brought much time for him to think about the girl that changed him.

He just wished, for a moment, that he was sitting in that tent with her, singing his song to her.

Once back in London, they rushed him to the doctor. They cleaned his wound and gave him medicine that seemed to allow for the pain the fade.

Allowing time to sleep, John Smith took the opportunity to get some rest, wanting a break from his never-ending thoughts about the girl.

But sleep didn't do him justice from him. Instead, his dreams kept him thinking of her. Bright colors of the moments he had with her filled his mind, with the boat ride, meeting Grandmother Willow, and their first kiss. This soon shifted into pleasant moments, they would have had together. Their possible wedding, kids, and happiness.

But those bright colors turned to darkness as his dreams shifted into nightmares of him never seeing her again.

Governor Ratcliffe shot off his gun, and instead of aiming for the Chief, it aimed for her. He couldn't get to her in time as the bullet tore through her.

Her body went limp as she lay lifeless on the ground...

The sound of the Chief's scream as he ran over to his daughter...

Her death...

She died...

The medicine kept him trapped in these dreams for hours, and finally, when he woke, it felt as if he was suffocating as he breathed. Feeling the pain in his side, he realized what had happened.

He was taken prisoner, he was almost killed, Pocahontas saved him, and

Grabbing his side, he saw that Ben, his comrade, was sitting on a chair next to him. "How are you feeling there lad?"

"Not too bad," says John Smith. "What brings you here? I thought you would have stayed with Thomas and the others." He doesn't remember seeing him on the boat with him, but at the same time, John doesn't remember too much of the trip here. Somewhere in his thoughts about her, the fever hit making everything seem rushed.

"I feel awful about what happened. We should have listened to you from the begging. So, I decided to come with you and help you out."

"It's okay Ben, Governer Ratcliffe manipulated you guys with lies that I even believed. Even if I could have got you guys to believe me, there was no stopping him." John Smith sighed, leaning back on his pillow. "Do you know what happened to him?"

"He is awaiting trial, as of now he is in jail. I guess he has done a lot more than just shoot you."

"What does that mean?" John Smith is confused as Ben says this. What more could he have done? There are already so many terrible things he has done, how could there possibly be more?

"He told the officials that he was going to a different part of the land. He lied about where he was going. Not only that, he was in debt and has no money to pay it back. This was his last mission, more of a job. Instead, he heard of rumors of gold in those lands, and was going to take the gold and pay them back and become rich, with no intention of paying us."

"Well, I suppose it's good that he's in Jail. He deserves all that is coming to him" To think that there was a chance that he wouldn't have met her was weird. That there wasn't the original intention was foreign. "When do you think we will be able to get back there?" Now that John Smith was healing, he wanted to know when he will be able to return to her.

"Well... You know as well as I do you need to heal before you travel," said Ben. But the way he said this makes him realize that there is something more...

"What is it, Ben? What aren't you telling me?"

"We have tried sending a boat back already... We wanted to send people over as well as bring people who wanted to come back..." He stopped talking for a moment, clearly hiding something behind his words

"But?" John Smith was worried now and waited for his friend to finish what he was saying.

"Governor Ratcliffe isn't telling people where they were located, and the person who drove the boat back 'mysteriously disappeared' when we got back. We have no clue where they are located..."

John Smith groaned as pain shot up, ready to go question himself. "You need to rest, they have people questioning him as we speak, and when you get better, you will be able to speak to him. But by then he will probably have told." Ben slightly lead John back down to where he was laying. John Smith sighed realizing that he never should have left.

A few moments left with her and dying would have been easier than never seeing her again... But he wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Isn't there a map or something?" John Smith needed to find a way back to her, and he was grasping at strings.

"They had looked through the boat, and his belonging, but there is a chance that we left it in his tent..."

John Smith didn't say anything else, the thought of not being able to get back to her scares him.

One way or another, he will make sure that the Governor tells him where the lands are...

Because if he doesn't, he will be the one to end him...

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