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The Last Moments...

(Pocahontas POV)

*Right after the scene where Pocahontas ran through the woods and watched the boat leave with John Smith*

Pocahontas stands on the edge of the rock, watching as the boat that carries John Smith floats away. Even as it became harder and harder to see, she couldn't get herself to move.

John Smith was a part of her now. He had changed so much in the short time that she knew him, and that almost got him killed.

His love for her...

And her love for him...

He taught her to fight for what she believes in.

That led them to new friends and families.

"Ah, there you are my daughter,"  a voice says as a hand rests on her shoulder. She looks back to find her father, Chief Powhatan, smiling a small smile to comfort her. He must have known where to find her.

"I know you must be hurting my daughter," her father says. "But he is going where he will get help, this is what is best for him."

"If it is what is best, why does it hurt so?" She turns around to meet her father. I wonder if this is a little like what my father felt when my mother passed. Losing the person he loved most... It isn't fair to compare this to her, he had known her for so much longer, she thinks to herself

"Because you love him," he said, pulling her into a hug. She began to wonder if staying here was the best situation. He offered her to come back to him to England.

She remembered the words they last spoke...

(Right before John Smith leaves)

Pocahontas made her way over to the small bed that held John smith, bending down so she could be closer. This was it, after all they had been through to be together. This is what happened to get here, he was the one to suffer the consequences of their love.

And now they would have to part...

"Here," Pocahontas says, giving him a pouch. "It's from Grandmother Willow's bark. It'll help with the pain." She knew that he was in pain, there was no doubt. They had never had quite an injury before, this was the first of guns in their territories.

Therefore they didn't have the herbs and medicines that he needed to help him heal. If they had, they may have been able to save Kocoum.

Even with the lack of knowledge on how to heal him, they still tried the few herbs that had, and known to help with injuries in the past. But none of them helped, and he was only getting worse as the time went on. As Thomas as said a few moments earlier, "Going back is his only chance. He will die if he stays here."

Earlier, Thomas had also mentioned possible infections from some disease called, "led poisoning" which was caused by the bullet that hit him

And he was right, he needed to go back to England to get the care he needed.

"What pain?" He says this in a hushed voice, saying it with a small groan. "I've had worse pain than this. Can't think of any right now, but--" I cut him off, not wanting him to waste his energy on this. He needed to rest if he was going to survive the trip back.

Pocahontas's Father comes over, takes off his cape, and lays it on John smith. "You are always welcome among our people. Thank you, my brother." Pocahontas seeing her father act kindly to him made her happy.

John smith gives him a shy smile, and she now knows this is goodbye.

John smith shares a few moments with Percy the dog, Flit the bird, and Meeko the raccoon. It isn't until John Smith looked at Pocahontas, his eyes desperate, and says, "Come with me?"'

Pocahontas didn't know what to think of this new turn of events. Part of her was saying, of course, I want to go with him and make sure he is okay. But she knew her place here. She didn't know what to do, so she looks towards her father.

"You must choose your own path," he says knowing what she was needing. So he was leaving it up to Pocahontas to choose. It was her choice to make now.

She looked around at all the people holding baskets of food and now realizes how much they truly care for her, and how much she cares for them.

After a moment, she says, "I'm needed here." She now knew that is what she needed to do, even though she wanted badly to go with him...

"Then I'll stay with you." No! He couldn't. If he were to stay here, he would die. He needed to be in England so he would get better...

Pocahontas begins to panic, not wanting him to stay here. As much as she wanted that, they both knew that he would die. She would rather have him away than have his last few moments."No," I say. "You have to go back."

"But I can't leave you," he says in a voice she can't read.

And she can't leave him either...

So, she says what he said to her that night in the tent when she thought that was their goodbye...

"You never will," She says behind tears. "No matter what happens, I'll always be with you." That is when she loses her sanity as he reaches behind her neck, slightly cresses her cheek to pull her down into the kiss...

(Current Moment)

She pulled from her father's hug, turning around to look at the boat one last time. It was just a small speck at this point, and she knew there was no more use watching for it.

"I think I am going to go for a walk." She was on the verge of tears at this point, and she didn't want her father to see her like that. She only knew that it would make him more sad and upset, and possibly even guilty.

Her father explained to her that he was deeply sorry for not listening to her, and wished he would have listened when he had the chance.

"I can come with you." She knows her father is only trying to be kind, but right now she needs to be alone and process all that has happened.

"I'm alright father," She said, smiling. "I just need time alone, I will meet with you in a while."

"Alright then," he says, looking at her with deep concern. "Come talk to me when you need me okay?"

"Of course," She says, making her way into the woods. She needed to have a few moments to herself just to process the last few days, hours, and minutes so she could heal. As she got more and more into the woods, she didn't know where she was planning on going, but right now she just needed to think.

She ended up finding herself in the tent where John smith had been held captive in just days ago. As she walked in, she knelt down, placing her hand against the post that he was once tied on

"He would get better and I will see him again..." She mumbles to herself.

Cause if he didn't, she doesn't think she will get better...

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