The Game Of Life Part Five

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The Game Of Life 

By Trucy-Jo Bithell

Part Five

"CONTESTENTS! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE MADE IT TO THE FIANL 2! BUT ONLY ONE HAVE YOU HAS MADE IT TO THE END OF THE GAME AND HAS LIVED, now then the public has voted and i can now tell you that the winner is...." The Voice said, Marley and Chibi's grip on each other's hands dueing the tensets moment of their lives

"... MARLEY!!!!" The voice rang out as Marley started crying from both saddness and shock as Chibi was killed insantly, Marley was teleported out of the house and Chibi laid on the floor, her body was teleported away and put where every other body was kept.

Marley was placed on a random planet, it was some kind of airport planet in his hand he had a ticket that would take him anywhere in the universe, he began looking for a way to earth. 

Chibi lied motionless as dead bodies should, of course Chibi wasn't dead though she did need to regenarate, she woke up and noticed she was in some kind of biulding. she was lieing atop of every contesent from the game she was inside some kinda of bowl luckily no one had covered the bowl and Chibi climbed out and jumped off exiting the room she was in and walking round some corridors, the place had been abandoned. Chibi sighed and walked out not before grabbing her items from the property room and found the TARDIS tracker that she'd made not too long ago, she used it to find the TARDIS 2, every step making the need to regenarate worse and worse.

Marley borded a space shuttle to earth and within a few mintues was on earth. He would walk around for abit as this earth was a few hundred years older then he was used to. He knew he had to find Lucas he noticed a poster that had the president's office's phone number. he found a pay phone and started to dial the number and was through to his secretery 

"Hello President's office, my name is joyce how may i help you today?" 

"My name is Marley, i need to speak to Lucas as soon as i can please." He said 

"I'm afraid thats not posible Mr. President is very busy." Jyoce said back 

"i have news about ChibiBerry." he said

"I can have you braught to his office straight away." Jyoce said as she pressed a few buttons, Marley was placed inside the Precidents Office

"Marley? Where's Chibi?" Lucas asked looking at him 

"She... died" Marley said 

"no...what happend?" he asked

"we where put on this game show and everytime someone was eliminated they where killed and i won so Chibi died." Marley anwsered as he sat down 

"... yes i know of that, the organisation of Ti owns seveal planets and everyone on those planets are potential contestents, the games are purely for their own fun. though i think it may of targeted Chibi and you..." Lucas said "Wait here..." He added and left his office 

"we have a code 98 Chibi is regenarating again i want her TARDIS braught to my office imidently" he said into a watch. 

Chibi stumbled into her TARDIS 2 and took off though she didn't set any corodanets. she soon collappsed onto the floor it was time for her to go now...

"Truely... a shame." a voice said, this caused Chibi to sit up.

"You!" Chibi said 

"Charming!" they said

"What do you want,mom?" Chibi asked

"I wanted to see if you where alright" She said 

"Well you've picked a bad time, im not alright. I'm dying!" she said 

" ah... well good luck, but you just need to know who Marley is, You're not gonna like it." she said 

"Why?" Chibi asked 

"Marley... Marley is sam"

"HE'S WHAT?" Chibi shouted quickly regretting her decision as that just caused more pain causeing her to lay back down 

"He doesn't know though." she said 

"Then whats with the regenatation?" Chibi asked 

"I taught it was obvious... you're his twin." Chibi's mom said 

"WHAT?" Chibi screamed 

"ahh i've said too much.. see you soon Chibi.." Chibi's mom said as she disapared 

"...Mom..." Chibi said as she started to pass out. her body started to spit out regenaration energy  before her entire body changed again. Chibi stood up, wobbled and then looked in the mirror and passed out again.

Chibi had done it again, for the ninth time Chibi had changed yet again...

TBC in the next Chibi book

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