Chapter 18:

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And that's what I did all that night... after eating and take a bath, I practice how I will ever tell it to him without being awkward. But this will be tough, I've been practicing a lot in front of the mirror and I get to stammer even just looking at my reflection

"Aish~ this will be tough" I annoyingly said "But I know I can do it. Hwaiting SinB!"

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I went to school early in the morning and look for a familiar figure in the school ground.

"Maybe he's not going to school today" I sadly said

I started to walk towards the school building when I notice a guy who is walking ahead with a beautiful hair.

I immediately recognize the guy and walks faster to catch up with the guy

"Morning JeongHan!" I greeted the guy

JeongHan look surprise and slowly greeted me back "Oh! Good morning too Eun Bi"

"Why do you look so surprise to see me?" I ask

"Aniyo. It's just that this the first time you greeted me first" he said "It's just new to me"

I playfully frown at him and said "You don't need to be surprise, we're friends remember? And it's just that I am in the mood to greet you first, that's all"

"By the way I have something to tell to you after class. Is that ok with you?" I ask

"Sure!" he happily said

"Let's go!" I said and we started to walk together

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"WHAT?!" my friends shouted

"Shhhh!!! Girls, you don't need to shout" I said while looking around in panic

"B-but it is really true?" Yewon ask

"Ne" I shyly said

"Wow! Congratulation SinB!" Yerin happily said

"So what are you going to do now?" Sojung ask

"Well... I am planning to tell the my true feelings after the contest" I said

"That's a great idea. It's will be the most memorable moment for you and JeongHan" EunHa said

"We will full support for you on this SinB" Yuna said

"By the way, when are you going to tell us the full story?" Yerin ask

"When do girls want?" I ask

"During lunch!!!" Yerin and Eunha shouted together

"Shhhhh!!! You two don't need to shout" I said

"Oopss! Mianhe" the two said together and giggle at the same time

I just smile at them and look up the sky happily

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During lunch... I told everything to my friends. Of course they are so happy that they always screaming.

I always ask to them to keep quiet every time they scream and of course our classmates too.

They are really happy for me and at the same time they can't believe it too. I mean who can? I am a girl who doesn't believe on falling in love, especially to a guy who is much prettier than me

I don't even think that it will ever possible to happen... but now it is happening.

And I am willing to grab it! X)

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After class...

As the bell ring, signing that the class is ending. I quickly left the room and headed to the meeting place where me and JeongHan are supposed to meet

I came in the spot first, I patiently waiting for JeongHan to come.

I can feel my heart beating so fast. My emotion is getting mix up right now, and I can't hide my nervous

I suddenly jump in surprise when someone called me at my back. I turned around and saw JeongHan laughing a little

Aish! He must saw me jumping and got surprise

"Y-You're already here" I causally said while trying to hide my embarrassment

"Ne" he smiling said "Mianhe if I surprise you"

"A-aniyo! I didn't get surprise. I just pretended to be surprise, that's all" I said

"Ne, ne" he said but still got that playful smile on his face

I fix myself a little and stand still in front of JeongHan. JeongHan look so serious but you can still see the gentleness in face

"So... about the thing that I wanted to tell to you" I started to said

"What is it?" JeongHan ask

"Ahhmmm... The thing that you said to me about waiting for me until I found out my true feelings to you" I said "I finally got an answer but I am not ready to tell it you yet. Well... until the end of the dance cover contest the we joined"

"Can you wait that a little bit longer?" I ask

"Your contest will be held next month, right?" JeongHan said while thinking

I sincerely look at him while he is thinking. Then he look back at me and smile

"Waiting for that long is nothing. Sure I will wait for it" he said while smiling warmly


(A/N): Hello! I'm back after 10 years ( joke!!! XD)

Next chapter will be the finale of this story. I wanted to extend this story but I my motivation wouldn't let me :( 

I am sorry about it but I still hope that you will like it and maybe if I am not that busy I will edit this story to make it longer. But as of now the next chapter will be the final.

I have another story which is about Seungcheol and Yooa from Oh My Girl but I am unsure if should I post it? Should I ?

That's all for me.. See you again <3


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