Chapter 10:

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And just like what I predicted I become awkward in front of JeongHan. When he was looking for me I intentionally hide from him, and when he is talking to me I don't look at his face and end our conversation quickly

I always had an excuse to escape JeongHan, and I really don't like what I am doing.

"Aigoo~" I sigh

"Wow! That was deep" someone said

I turn around and saw YeRin standing at my back. "Can I sit?"

"Sure" I answer

"So~ what is your problem?" YeRin ask

"Nothing" I answer while looking at the ground

"You're lying" she said

I took another deep sigh. I face YeRin "Actually, I really don't know what my problem is either"

"I just thought that it wouldn't get worse if I will just pretend that nothing happened. But I am wrong, I just making it worse" I sadly continue

"I really don't know what is happening to you, but I can perfectly see that you cannot handle your problem properly" YeRin said

"Am I obvious?" I ask

"Ne! Not only me, but the girls can see it too" she answer back

"Mian" I said

"For what?" YeRin ask

"For making you all worried" I said

"If you really wanted to apologize tell it to the girls and to him" YeRin said & wink

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After talking to YeRin I went straight to my classroom... I totally understand what she meant, but the problem is I don't know if I can do it

I am too shy to approach JeongHan, and if he is the one approaching me I just can't hide my awkwardness

"Eotteoke?!" I said to myself "Maybe I still need time to calm down, but for the mean time I should avoid JeongHan or talk to him lesser if needed"

And that's what I did... I tried my best to hide from JeongHan and be busy on our practice with the Luv☆. No one notice it so far, and I am thankful that JeongHan didn't bother me much unlike the other times. I don't know his reason but I'm just glad that I don't see him that much... but do I really feel glad?

While thinking I saw the white cat stuff toy that I saw in my desk hanging in my bag...

"I totally forgot about you" I said while looking at the stuff toy. I made the stuff toy as my keychain so that if her owner saw it she can claim it anytime

"I still haven't found your owner" I said while touching the stuff toy "Mianhe. I will try to look for your owner next time" and smile

I didn't know that someone is watching me from far with a sweet smile on that person lips.

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After class... I went straight to the Luv☆ to focus on our practice, but it didn't go well just like what I planned.

"SinB that's the fifth time you miss out that step" Min Joo said

"Mianhe" I sadly said

"Are you ok SinB?" Hyo Jung said while walking towards my direction

"Ne" I casually answer

"Are you sick? You look pale" Momo worriedly said

"I think we should call it end for today and rest, what do you think Min Joo?" Hyo Jung said

"Yeah! I think so too... As for you SinB you should take enough rest, so you can focus on our next practice" Min Joo said

"Ne" I sadly said

Just like that, the group decided to go home... I still feel bad about cancelling our practice because I can't focus and always miss out steps.

"Don't worry SinB, it's not your fault why we ended our practice earlier than the expected time" Hyo Jung said

"Yeah! We are also tired just like you" Momo said

"And we think Min Joo notice it too" Mina said "That's why she decided to cut our practice"

"Still, I make so much mistake during our practice. I feel that I become burden to you guys" I sadly said

"Don't be so sad. Just cheer up! You can just do better in our next practice" Hyo Jung said "Need to go now, bye guys" she added and headed to the other direction

"SinB, we also need to go now. Bye! See you tomorrow" Mina said and she left with Momo

After I bid farewell to Mina and Momo, I walk straight to the bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive. After a couple of minutes, the bus arrive and I quickly rode it

As I was staring blankly outside the window, someone sat beside me and put a headphone in my head

I got surprise and turn around to see JeongHan smiling beside me...

I remove the headphone and ask "What are you doing here? How do you get here?"

"Well... I was about to go home when I notice you girls going home too. I decided to go home with you but you didn't seem to hear me when I was calling you, so I decided to follow you" he said while scratching his cheeks lightly "So what the problem? It looks like you had a problem"

I sigh and look at JeongHan "I made a total disaster in our practice earlier" I sadly said

"And?" he ask

"And that leads to cancel my group practice" I said while looking down on the floor

"Don't be so sad. Everyone can make mistakes, but what's important is what you will do to prevent on making the same mistake again" JeongHan said

"If I ever make mistake whether it is big or small, I always said to myself "gwenchana JeongHan everything will be ok, just cheer up and do your best the next time"" he said with a warm smile on his lips

I look at JeongHan and I can feel something inside of me felt comfortable at same time I can feel my heart is skipping a beat

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After spending 20 minutes in the bus... I quickly left the bus followed by JeongHan.

While walking I suddenly remember Ye Rin had told me.. "Mianhe" I suddenly said

JeongHan got surprise and walk ahead of me. "What?" he ask

"I said mianhe" I said trying not to look directly into JeongHan's eyes

"For what?" he ask

"Aish! Just don't ask me ok?!" I said trying to hide my embarrassment "I just wanted to apologized because I feel too, ok! No more question" I added and quickly walk passed by JeongHan

"Aish! It's so embarrassing" I said to myself while pulling my hair to my face

"Eun Bi! Wait for me" I heard JeongHan said while trying to catch up with me

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After comfortably talking to JeongHan I felt like we are back to where we are... being a friend.


A/N:  Hi~ I just read again the chapter 9 and I don't what it comes to my head that I wrote that >_<

I am sooo embarrass at the same time that is one of my favorite scene .. hehehe

Anyway, here's another update for you. I posted the update late since I was busy watching queendom, and busy crying while watching viviz performance TT__TT

Hope you all love it ~ see you next weekends

- wynnshin <3

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