Chapter 9:

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"Welcome back" YeRin, EunHa and YuNa greeted with a wide smile on their face

"YeWon you can now open your eyes. We are already outside" SoJung said to the clinging YeWon

YeWon slowly open her eyes and release SoJung's arm. She slowly let out a die of relieve "I thought I would die inside the horror house"

"By the way where are SinB and JeongHan?" EunHa ask

Just then JeongHa appear going outside the horror house

"Welcome back JeongHan" YeRin greeted

EunHa look around and suddenly ask "Where is SinB?"

"EunBi? She is with SoJung" he innocently answer

"What do you mean she is with me? Didn't you two walking behind us?" SoJung answer back

"Don't tell me you left SinB inside the horro house?!" YuNa said "Oh no! We have to look for her"

"Maybe she got lost in the horror house" YeRin suggested

"Then I will look for her" JeongHan said and went back inside the horror house

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

"S-Sojung! Y-YeWon! J-JeongHan! Where are you guys?" I tried calling out for them but no one respond

I tried to look around but I ended up to be scarier than ever. "Waaaaahhhhhh!!!" I scream every time there are some loud noisy. Where are you? Someone please save me!

I crunch down and close my eyes tightly. And wait for someone to save me.

"Eun Bi!" I faint voice said. What's that? Who is calling me?

"Eun Bi!" there is it again! Who are you? I tried to look up who is calling me, but because of the darkness I can't see who is calling me

"Eun Bi!" the voice said. "I'm here" I weakly said

"I'm HERE" I loudly as I could said

But no one respond I look up again and saw some light coming to the other side. I can see a figure coming towards me

The figure becoming close and closer. I tried to look up, but the light coming from the back is making me difficult for me to see

The figure finally reach me and realize I knew that figure. "Eun Bi! Are you ok?" the figure ask

I didn't respond but I just teary looking at him

"Did you hurt somewhere?" he said while looking at me all over "Come on tell me. Where did you get hurt?"

But instead of answering him. "JeongHan!" I shouted and gave him a big hug

"I'm so scared I thought I never going to see you again. I don't know how will I get out of here alone" I said behind my tears

JeongHan didn't do anything but listening to me. He let me talk for a couple of minutes until I calm down, then after that we went out of the horror house where our friends waiting for us.

When they saw us they run fast and stared asking. Based on their look you can see that they are really worried about me.

I just laugh at them "Don't worry I am fine. Let just say I experience an once in a lifetime experience, but I really don't want it to happen again"

"We're sorry to let you go in there SinB" YeRin said

"Nah! It's ok, at least I know that I will never going inside in any horror house again?" I said

"Now that SinB is fine let's go buy some food. I'm getting hungry" SoJung said

"NE!" we all said and we headed at a snack bar

While happily chatting I can't help but to look at JeongHan. I wanted to thanked him for saving me but I'm too shy to tell him

All throughout our day I tried to tell him but I really can't. As we end our day, I went straight home.

I went straight to my bedroom and lay down on my bed "I'm so tired" I said to myself

I turn over and suddenly I remember what happened in the horror house

But instead of answering him. "JeongHan!" I shouted and gave him a big hug

"I'm so scared I thought I never going to see you again. I don't know how will I get out of here alone" I said behind my tears

JeongHan didn't do anything but listening to me. He let me talk for a couple of minutes until I calm down.

I stood up quickly when I realize something "D-did I just hug JeongHan?"

"What should I do? Why did I even do that? WAAAAHHHHHH! How will I ever face him again?" I said while walking around my room

"This will be a one hell awkward situation to me"


(A/N): Hello ~ I am back with another update.

Sorry for the hiatus, I just got busy with my work plus my laptop that I am using is broken and it is really difficult for me to update using my phone :(

I will also moved the update on weekends because I find myself having difficulty to update in Friday.

Anyway, hope you love this chapter and thank you for supporting my story <3

- wynnshin

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