Chapter 1- break

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Fall break. The absolute best time of the year. My family owns a house up in Asheville, NC. A house with numerous bedrooms and a huge front yard. Not to mention the hot tub and the horse fence. For two weeks in October I come back to my home state and to the friends I have known my whole life. The Spiels who have triplets. Jake, Chris, and Mark. They were a few weeks older than me. Then there is the Tanniels. They have a daughter named Lily, a year younger than me. She is my favorite person. I sware all of are parents planned the impeccable timing of our births. I have known all of them since day one and practically saw them every weekend. This house was where we would meet, practically every weekend. It holds so many memories. However, when I was 11 we moved to Georgia for my moms job opportunity. Truthfully I see them all once a year now. Fall break.

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