Chapter 3 - greetings

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Unintentionally my eyes first saw Jake and Chris. I wondered what had happened in the year it had been. I first went to hug Lily who was still in the car with her parents. Then I saw Jake walk over to me.
"Who's it going Mere?" Jake exclaimed with a devilish grin on his face.
I turned around and hugged him. He smelled different. A good different.
"Hey Jake," I said trying hard to hide my excitement.
Then Chris emerged swiftly from around the corner. His hair had grown out since I lay saw him. He had some dirt on his shirt from god knows what. As he ran his fingers through his hair he saw me standing by the car. A big smile grow on his face. He walked up to me with two big strides.
"Hey loser," he said teasingly, coming in for a hug.
He smelt the same. I loved that. However, before I had the chance to say anything back Lily mom called us to come inside. That's where I saw Mark helping my and Lily's mom unload the groceries.
Mark and I made eye contact and it was like old times. He dropped the groceries and we did our handshake, a complicated one we made when were 12 that I vaguely remember. We both smiled and screamed. Mark is an amazing guy and I wish him all the happiness in the world with another man. Hopefully we could find him a guy this week.
I preceded to hug all of the parents and it was a race to get upstairs to my room. The unofficial tradition goes that all the kids spend the first evening in the hot tub. I had to shove Mark to get to my room. I rummaged through my suitcase to find a bikini I liked most. I ended up a white top with high rise blue bottoms. My mom always compliments that swimsuit. I brushed through my hair and raced down the stairs again. Lily was right behind me and I was practically tripping down the stairs. I opened the back door and ran down the yard. I saw Chris in the hot tub grinning. I jumped in, taking care to not look like a complete fool. When I came up for air I hadn't realized I was right next to him. So close I could feel his presence. So sharp, so hot.

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