Chapter 6 - the break

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My mom was driving. I was behind her with Chris next to me and Lily behind me. I was holding steady pressure on my leg with a new towel and the bleeding began to slow down. The hospital was down in town past a local restaurant  and grocery store.
Somehow I ended up in a hospital bed. The walk from the van to a room was really blurry. I was so tired and the pain was still sharp. My doctor was a nice older man who toke about five seconds to put some cream and then told me I needed stitches. When he said those words immediate panic and absolute disgust flooded my body. I hated needles. I felt queasy and uneasy. My mom clutched my hand and nodded at me. I knew her expression. That was her 'this has to get down and then it will be over' look. She gives me those almost every regular doctors appointment. I realized a big sigh. I was terrified.
The doctor came back quickly. The tray of instruments made me really nervous. He told me the cream has numbed my leg. But only to a certain extent. I was gonna feel very uncomfortable to top it all off. However the doctor had no qualms. He started quickly. When he did I clutched the table so aggressively. I know better that when I doctor say uncomfortable it means pain. At this point Lily had left the room because she can't stand the doctors. Chris, however, was vividly watching me. When he saw me clutch the table for a second time he rushed over to me. He placed my hand in his.
"Squeeze as hard as you need to," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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