Chapter 5 - the next morning

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Last night was perfect. I couldn't stop thinking about it. That was the closest I had been to him. It was amazing.

I woke up to the sound of the blender. I walked down stairs and peered around to see my mom had been making smoothies for everyone in the kitchen. While Chris sat at the bar stool across from her, his back to me.
On my way to the fridge I said good morning. Grabbing a bottle of water, my mom said good morning and handed me a glass with her smoothie. I said thanks and peered over at Chris to see he had already been drinking one. He had a smoothie mustache that made me giggle a little. He finally looked up at me and knew exactly what I was mocking him about. So he wiped it away and I walked right back upstairs to get ready.

A few hours later.

I was ready to go swimming. I grabbed Lily, Chris, and Justin and we all rushed outside. We all got to the edge of the pool and I was ready to countdown. I started, and before I could say anything my legs went weak and I was launched into the pool. It happened so fast. I went under and slowly came up to see all three of them laughing historically. Chris pushed my in. I was kind of salty about it. It got better though when Lily pushed Chris in and gave me a smirk. So enough they were all in splashing around. I felt ok for a few seconds. Then I didn't. I felt a sharp stinging pain in my left leg. I didn't want to disturb everyone so I got out of the pool by myself and walked to the door. We forgot to bring the towels out and I couldn't walk through the house soaking wet. I called to my mom to bring out a towel while I inspected my leg. Well when I looked down it was worse then I thought. From my knee to my ankle had been scraped and was starting to bleed. I sat down on the floor and tried to hold pressure. Chris must have noticed me holding my leg and he rushed out of the pool to help me.
"What happened, are you okay?" He asked.
"It's okay, I'm okay, I think," It just really hurt.
He helped me up and walked me inside where my mom met me with the towel. At that point everybody knew.
They were rushing me to the hospital in the mini van.

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