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Marissa Stark was now in labor for twenty hours with her baby girl.  After finding out that she was pregnant, Marissa was constantly worried that her mermaid traits would pass down to her daughter.  Tony sat by his wife's side and never left unless it was to go to the bathroom once Marissa went into labor.  Both of them knew that this pregnancy would possibly kill Marissa because she had trouble conceiving and it was rare for a mermaid to survive giving birth to a hybrid child.  As Tony held his wife's hand he couldn't help but remember the day when Marissa told him that she was pregnant.


Marissa had been feeling ill for the last two weeks and she had missed her monthly cycle that mermaids have when in their human forms.  She had the suspicion that she was pregnant but wasn't sure because right after she and Tony married Marissa was told that they might have trouble having children.  It broke Marissa's heart to hear that she might never be a mom but Tony told her that they won't give up. 

"Marissa Stark," a female nurse called.

Marissa stood up and followed the nurse into the doctor's office where she took Marissa's blood pressure, and temperature, and got the information on Marissa's visit.  After the nurse got what she needed she informed Marissa that the doctor would be in shortly.  Not more than five minutes later the doctor entered the room.  After a simple checkup and ordering blood work, the doctor told Marissa that he would be giving her a call later that afternoon with the results and sent her home.  Around 5:30 PM did Marissa receive the phone call that would change not just her life but also Tony's.

"Congratulations Mrs. Stark, you're pregnant.  I would like to set up an appointment later this week to make sure that your pregnancy is progressing normally."

Marissa couldn't help but cry with joy at the news because she knew how hard she and Tony were trying for a child.  Later that night when Tony returned home from work he saw that Marissa had cooked his favorite meal.  Tony was suspicious at first but couldn't help but to smile at his wife.  Dinner was full of talk about their day and laughter as Tony told a funny story that happened to an intern of his.  It was when the two were sitting on the couch of their penthouse living room that Marissa decided to tell Tony the news.

"So I'm sure you're wondering why I made your favorite tonight.  Well, I went to the doctor earlier and got some news." Marissa explained.

Tony began to think the worst until Marissa handed him a piece of paper with her bloodwork results on it.  At first Tony didn't understand but once his eyes landed on the reason for the test and what the diagnosis said, did he understand.

"You're pregnant," Tony asked as if afraid that this was some form of a joke.

"Yes baby, we're having a baby.

Tears filled the couple's eyes but it didn't last long.  At Marissa's first appointment her doctor told her that since she had a lot of trouble conceiving that there was a greater chance of miscarriage, the possibility of losing the baby shortly after delivery or even dying herself.  Marissa and Tony made sure that she got plenty of rest and to her surprise, her pregnancy went smoothly.  However, when Marissa went into labor in the early hours of October 31st, the doctors informed the couple that Marissa's chance of survival was slim.  The couple understood the news but what Tony told his wife made her love for him grow even more.

"Marissa, darling.  Even if you do die delivering our baby girl I will love her and treat her as the princess she already is.  And if she does have your mermaid trait I will love her just the same."

Marissa smiled up at the man she loved and knew that no matter what happened, Tony would always love his daughter.

***Flashback Ends***

"Okay Marissa, it's time to start pushing.  Your baby is ready to meet her parents," the doctor said after he did a quick examination.

Marissa was instructed to start pushing on her next contraction.  About a half hour after Marissa started pushing she delivered a beautiful and healthy baby girl.  Their daughter had Marissa's blond hair and ocean blue eyes.  Tony couldn't help but cry upon seeing his daughter for the first time.   It wasn't long after Marissa named their daughter, Narcissa meaning daffodil, that Marissa passed away leaving Tony heartbroken and a single father.  The day Narcissa was born he promised that he would try to be the best father that he could be to her.

As Narcissa grew up, she became the spitting image of her mother, however, her personality and attitude were just like Tony's.  Not only was Narcissa's personality just like Tony's, but she was also brilliant for her age.  At the age of four, Narcissa developed the ability to control all forms of water.  Tony couldn't be more proud of his daughter in knowing that she did indeed inherit her mother's mermaid traits.

At the age of twelve, Narcissa developed another gift.  She could speak to all forms of sea/water animals.  To say that Tony wasn't impressed with how talented his daughter was would be a total lie.  Right after her thirteenth birthday, the third gift of her mermaid trait appeared.  Whenever Narcissa would sing certain sea shanties, human's around her would slowly make their way to her.  It was also during that time when Narcissa first changed into her mermaid form.  Yellow-green scales covered her developing breasts and instead of legs, her mermaid tail was of the same yellow-green with a wide beautiful fin.  When she first shifted, Narcissa befriended a newly hatched black spotted eel that she named, Leo and a juvenile tiger shark she named Tigger.

At the age of fifteen, Narcissa graduated high school and decided to head to England to study abroad.  She was just like her father when it came to inventing and had a knack for being an engineer.  When the attack happened in New York, Narcissa was attending a university in England but would stay in contact with her father the entire time of the fight helping him with tactics and fighting strategies.  Narcissa was a master of five different martial arts and a linguist in knowing eighteen different languages.

A year and a half after the attack on New York, Narcissa had graduated with Master's Degrees in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Hardware Engineering.  Neither of the two genius  Starks knew that Narcissa would be meeting her two soulmates in two members of the Avengers.

Narcissa age four

Narcissa age twelve

Narcissa age fifteen

Narcissa age nineteen (when she returns home)

Narcissa's mermaid form

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