Chapter 1: The Young Stark's Return

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Finally, after an eight-hour flight from London, England to New York, New York a young woman with long golden hair and sea blue eyes exited the airport excited to be back home. As the young woman looked around the busy airport she saw the familiar face of Pepper Potts, her father's girlfriend. Ever since the two women met they had always butted heads. The young heiress never liked Pepper since it seemed like Pepper was only with her father because of his fame and money. Taking a deep breath, the blonde nineteen-year-old heiress made her way over to Pepper.

"Hello Pepper," the heiress said.

"Welcome home Miss Stark," Pepper said.

Rolling her eyes at Pepper, Narcissa said, "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Narcissa, Potts"

Pepper had always hated it when Narcissa called her by her last name, but she knew it was the only response that she would get when she called Narcissa 'Miss Stark".

"Of course, my apologies Narcissa. It's great to have you home," Pepper said as she forced a smile.

"Drop the bull shit, Pepper. But yes it is good to be home," Narcissa said as she got into the back of the black SUV.

Pepper got into the passenger's side and Happy, who was driving, greeted Narcissa and welcomed her home. Narcissa and Happy got along since he was her driver when she was attending school in New York. When the SUV pulled into the underground garage of the Avenger's Tower, formally known as Stark Tower, Narcissa couldn't help but smile. She was finally home and couldn't wait to see her father after so long. The last time the young heiress saw her father was right after his accident and right before he became known as Iron Man.

When the world found out that she was his daughter, Narcissa would be followed around for weeks and had to disappear into the sea to get away from everything. There was a small private island that Tony owned just for his daughter. It was a small island that had a small personal house so that if Narcissa decided to just get away without changing forms she had somewhere to stay. When Narcissa was at sea she was always accompanied by her two friends, Tigger an eighteen-foot Tiger Shark, and Leo a two-foot long Black Spotted Eel. They always kept her safe from other sea creatures who could hurt her.

After Happy got Narcissa's bags out of the back of the SUV, he told her that he would take them up to her suite while she go and surprise her father in the main penthouse. Narcissa smiled gratefully at Happy for taking her things, he knew that she was excited to see her father again. He wasn't just her father but also her best friend, but he couldn't deny that she had a bit of mischief in her, and Tony couldn't help to think of what trouble Narcissa could get into if she ever met Loki.

As Narcissa took the elevator up to the penthouse floor where JARVIS told her that her father and the other team members were located. Narcissa also had hacked into JARVIS so that when the elevator arrived it wouldn't ding and alert everyone to her arrival. When she reached the main floor, Narcissa slipped out of the elevator, not making a sound. She made her way to the upper balcony overlooking the living room of the penthouse, Narcissa saw her father standing at the bar and the other members of the team standing around eating, drinking, and talking in small groups.

Narcissa's eyes scanned the group and she decided to have fun with everyone and use her ability to control any form of liquid to have the liquid from her father's glass and hit him in the face. Everyone was silent as they watched the whiskey from Tony's glass float out of his glass, and hover in mid-air before hitting him square in the face. The young heiress couldn't contain her laughter any longer and once Tony heard his daughter's laugh he knew exactly who caused his drink to hit him in the face.

Narcissa hopped over the railing and landed, almost cat-like on top of the bar. Jumping off the bar, Narcissa threw her arms around Tony's neck pulling him into a tight hug. Tony couldn't help but smile at finally having his daughter back in his arms. As soon as two members of the team saw the young heiress on the upper landing their soulmate marks on their right wrist started to burn. Whoever this woman was, it was their soulmate. The two members happened to be none other than Loki Laufeyson and Steve Rogers.

"Nissa," Tony said as he hugged his daughter tightly.

"Hi, daddy," the young heiress said as she continued to hug her father.

"DADDY!" The rest of the team shouted in shock.

Both Loki and Steve couldn't help but pale slightly, their soulmate was no other than Tony Stark's daughter. Loki couldn't believe it, he finally found his soulmate but he never expected that she would be the daughter of Iron Man but that he would also have to share her. Steve on the other hand was shocked, he had thought that his soulmate had long since died but now he was standing only feet away from her. He was also surprised to see that his mate was none other mated to his friend, Tony Stark, and also share her with Loki.

"Um, hi. I'm Narcissa Stark," the blonde hair heiress said with an enchanting smile.

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