Chapter 3: Secret Revealed

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Loki couldn't help but smirk at the coldness of his mate's voice yet he didn't know how cold her alluring voice could be.  Narcissa moved away from her father and walked up to both of her mates, both men were a good foot and a half taller than the immortal heiress.  Loki and Steve couldn't help but smile at their mate.

"Hi," Narcissa said in a low voice as a deep blush crossed her cheeks.

"Hello beautiful, I'm Steve Rogers," Steve said as he took her hand in his much larger one before pressing his lips to her knuckles.

"And I am Loki, gorgeous," Loki said copying Steve's actions.

Narcissa finally felt complete being with her two mates but she wasn't sure how they would react to her secret.


Narcissa couldn't keep the smile off her face. Ever since she first got her soulmate marks, she couldn't wait until she met the two people who were meant to be with her forever. The only fear that Narcissa had was how her mates would react to her not being human. Narcissa knew that Loki is a god but now that she knew that one of her mates was human, she cursed him to live as long as she would. Loki and Steve both seemed to realize that something was bothering their mate.

"Love, what's bothering you," Loki asked as he took her hand in his.

Tony had also noticed his daughter's uneasiness and knew it had to do with what his daughter was. He remembered the day when his late wife showed him and told him about being a mermaid. Tony knew that both Loki and Steve would accept his daughter, but he wouldn't deny that they would be shocked at first to learn that mermaids were indeed real.

"Narcissa, why don't you take Loki and Steve to the aquarium to talk," Tony suggested knowing that being near water helped calm her.

At the underground level of Avengers Tower, Tony had built an aquarium for Narcissa so she could be in her mermaid form. In the aquarium were her two sea friends, Tigger the tiger shark, and Leo, the black-speckled eel. Narcissa nodded once before making her way to her private aquarium in the basement of the tower. Loki and Steve followed after their mate, both having a look of concern on their faces. After arriving on the floor that housed the large aquarium, Narcissa walked over to the door and looked into the eyekey scanner, and the door to the aquarium was unlocked. Narcissa opens the door and walks inside, Loki and Steve follow her inside. Walking up to the glass, Narcissa placed her hand on the glass as Loki and Steve walked over to their mate and stood just behind her.  Finally, after a few moments of silence, Narcissa spoke.

"Can you two wait here by the glass?  There's something the two of you need to know before you accept me as your mate," Narcissa said.

"Of course, darling," Steve said as he smiled at her.

Narcissa smiled at her two mates before she disappeared through a door that led up to the top of the large aquarium. After Narcissa left through a door, Steve and Loki looked at the aquarium in front of them and admired its great beauty.

"What could she possibly want to show us," Loki said as they watched an eel and a large tiger shark swim by the glass.

Seconds later movement that wasn't of a normal aquarium animal caught both Loki's and Steve's attention. When they looked back at the tank they were shocked to see their mate but from her waist down was a golden fishtail.

"Hello, boys," Narcissa said as she spun around and she placed her hand on the glass.

"You're a mermaid," Steve started in shock

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"You're a mermaid," Steve started in shock.

"Yeah, my mother was a mermaid. She died in childbirth," Narcissa said as she looked down in sadness.

"I'm sorry love," Loki said.

"Were you afraid that we would reject you for what you are," Steve asked, trying to change the subject, as he placed his hand on the glass just over hers.

"Yes, because I'm immoral, and now that we've met Steve, you are also immoral. I know Loki is already immoral because he's a God, and the only way you would continue to age Steve is if I somehow die," Narcissa explained

Steve was shocked at the news for a brief second but he always wanted his soulmate and the fact that she was a mermaid didn't bother him in the slightest.

"That doesn't bother me in the slightest, darling.  I will always love, protect, and cherish you," Steve said.

Loki walked over to stand next to Steve and in front of Narcissa.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Narcissa and Steve and I will always keep you safe," Loki said.

"I must ask you both to keep the fact that I'm a mermaid a secret, even from the other members of the team," Narcissa says.  "Other than you two, my father is the only one who knows that I am a mermaid.  Also along with my father, the two of you will be allowed here by my aquarium."

"Of course darling, your secret is safe with the both of us," Steve said, as he and Loki smiled at their mate.

"And we are both honored to be allowed here by your aquarium," Loki adds.

Narcissa smiled at her mates, happy that they accepted her for what she was.  For the rest of the day Loki, Narcissa, and Steve spent the rest of the day together at her aquarium.  Both Loki and Steve got to know their mate and she even introduced them to her two underwater friends.  Narcissa had never been this happy before but what the trio didn't know was that Narcissa was being targeted just to get to her father, and what neither Tony or Narcissa knew is it would be someone they considered to be a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2024 ⏰

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