Chapter Five: Drake

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She was understandably confused.

"You already have one?" she clarified, stiltedly. "A wife?"

My inflated ego heard a touch of jealousy in her voice and my smirk grew as I leant towards her. "Age means nothing in the afterlife, Serenity. We said our vows, twelve of your years ago, and I've come to collect my wife."

Okay. That might have taken it a little too far.

She blanched. But kudos to the human, she didn't get up and run away. Her eyes narrowed and her face contorted as she seemed to be trying to get her head around that. I watched her hand go to her mouth as she blinked rapidly. Then she lifted her hand away, opened her mouth, decided against it, and put her hand back. I could have read her mind, but it was more fun not knowing what was causing all those facial expressions, ranging from concern to acceptance, worry to relaxed, confused to resigned.

Finally, she took a deep breath, rearranged in her seat and folded her hands in her lap. "I'm sorry. You... You think I'm your wife and you're here to...collect me?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Because your father...?" She breathed out heavily. "And you're a prince... If the devilbums are the cherubim of Hell, then...?" She looked at me abruptly and I saw the panic on her face.

"My father is the Lord of Hell. I am a prince of Hell and all hellspawn."

She swallowed hard. "And collect me? You want me to go to...?" She pointed down.

"Hell," I confirmed with a nod, despite the fact down wasn't really exact.

"Are you going to...kill me?" she squeaked and I found myself laughing roughly.


"Then how would I get–?"

"There are ways in without dying. You just have to know how to find them."

"Because we...we're married?" she whispered.

"Twelve years."

She was staring at me like she had no idea if I was insane, or what she should say next, or if maybe she was insane. She needed more proof than even the devilbums could give her. I could go with the big reveal, but that had the unintended consequence of making it look like we played for the other team. So, something else.

"Do you remember that day?" I asked her.

Her gaze focussed, but her teeth still had hold of her lip as her eyes narrowed. I watched her let go of her lip slowly as though it was coming back to her.

"I...think so..." she said slowly and I almost saw a hint of the girl I'd left behind in her eyes.

"Do you remember..." I started as I slowly brought my hand up, "what you had in your hand?"

She cocked her head as she watched my fingers rub together, and she gasped in delight when the little wilted daisy appeared in it with a brief flash of flame.

"You... Is that?"

I passed it to her and she took it tentatively. As she did, I looked around with pride as the field and creek spread out around us.

"Oh, my God..." she breathed as she spun around. One hand went to her mouth, in surprise this time, and those dazzling green eyes shone bright as she looked around. Her child-self ran through her and right over to me. "How did you...?"

"With absolutely no help from my grandfather, I assure you."

She looked at me and I could tell she'd at least stopped questioning my sanity...sort of.

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