Chapter Thirteen: Drake

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I wasn't sure how it had happened, but it felt like Wren and I were in some sort of unspoken agreement. She'd been in no hurry to take our relationship any further. Not that we'd had much opportunity, but it felt almost like anything but sex was fair game.

I wasn't complaining.


My father had assured her that she would go home after we slept together. It was a promise not easily broken, and one my father would be keen to keep despite what I may have wanted. Collection didn't equal trophy in our world. I was owed a wife, not a soul. The fact that she was owed my soul in the marriage pact was irrelevant. Her soul did not belong to Hell, ergo she'd go back.

My father had strict rules when it came to souls being where they belonged. If he wasn't strict about it, he could hardly complain when the other team bent the rules.

Which was why he was in such a contradiction when it came to the predicament he had solidly landed me in.

For all his numerous sins, I had to hand it to him. I was pretty sure that, as much as he seemed happy to cock block me on as many occasions as possible. He also seemed to be going out of his way to stir the romance between me and Wren. Romance that was yet to evolve into sex. Only partly due to him. And he was getting impatient.

"I just don't understand why you haven't done the deed yet, son," my father said, hanging over the arm rests of his throne. "You're good-looking. She's good-looking. The two of you are a match made in Hell." He grinned at me proudly. "Literally."

I crossed my arms. "How's Persephone lately?"

Dad waved a hand. "As beautiful as ever. Of course."

"She should be back by now, surely?"

"She has never once in eternity been late. Stop trying to goad me into forgetting what I'm talking about." He sat up and pointed at me. "Is it really that hard to fuck your wife, son?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Dad gasped. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Wouldn't I?"

"What a husband and wife get up to is their own business!" he said petulantly.

I nodded. "Exactly."

He waggled his finger at me. "No. No. See it's different. A parent gets to meddle. A child doesn't."

I rubbed my nose. "What was Grandad's number again?" I asked, feigning nonchalance.

Dad crossed his arms and slunk down in his throne. "Jumped up, arrogant sod."

"I'll bet he'll be totally thrilled about me seducing a human woman. Third generation for the win!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh yes," Dad mocked. "He'd be so proud. Walking around all righteous and holier than thou up there." He pointed at me. "Back in the day, I knew who he was." He scoffed. "He thinks he's all clever, hiding his past from everyone? Hello? All that smiting. Lightning anyone? You're not fooling anyone, old man," he finished with a mutter, his arms crossed again and a pout like a child sent to the naughty step.

Which wasn't too far from the truth, really. In almost every manifestation of my father, he'd been sent to Hell by Grandad as punishment for disobedience. It just ran in our veins and I was no exception.

"You finished with your daddy issues?" I asked.

"Says you." Dad huffed. "But yes." He waved his hand for me to continue. "Give me your excuses then."

"I'll sleep with her when I sleep with her," I told him.

"How very enlightening." He rolled his eyes, then they narrowed on me and he sat forward. "Say that again."

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