Chapter Twenty-One: Drake

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My father was getting on my last nerve. I was about ready to stage a coup and take over the whole place myself. Anything to avoid one more Grandad-saved musical number in the name of cheering me up.

"Now, I think we should stage it as a mourning concert," Dad was saying.

I ran my hand over my face with a sigh. "Just get over it. She's gone and she's staying gone."

"I just don't see–"

We both turned at the sudden opening of the door and the person glaring at us was the last person I expected to see in the bowels of Hell.

"Serenity?" Dad asked as though he couldn't fathom that it was actually her.

And I was barely convinced myself. I couldn't be sure it wasn't just a figment created out of wishful thinking.

She was a mess. Her face was streaked and dirty. Her hair hung wet and limp. Her clothes were ripped and dripping. And, even through the exhaustion, she looked determined.

"Drake. We have to talk," she said, pulling her weight off the doors as though it was an effort.

"I..." I looked at my dad.

"No. No. By all means." Dad waved his hand towards Wren and nodded his head, then crossed his arms, his hand under his chin. "This whole thing is basically irrelevant now."

I threw him a glare and he shrugged.

"What? I just assumed."

"Why are you wet?" I asked her, so far from even trying to be sexy I surprised even myself.

"I...took a little dip in...a couple of rivers on the way here." She blew a piece of stray hair out of her eyes.

"You what?" I looked around for Truman and the boys, feeling anger bubbling.

"She's quite clearly fine, son. Why don't you two take this to your room?"

"Fine? How is she fine? She was..." I turned to her. "How are you fine?"

Wren sighed and crossed her arms. "I dunno. Maybe I channelled the magic of Hell after all." She stepped into the room fearlessly. "Can we do this, or what?"

I nodded. "Sure. Yeah."

Before I could take a step, Dad put his hand on my shoulder and leant his lips to my ear. "I'll organise a dinner, shall I?"

"Can you just...?" I sighed. I did not have the energy for two arguments. "Whatever makes you happy, old man."

I strode towards Wren, resisting the urge to pull her to me and kiss her hard. For starters, I didn't need my father breaking out the confetti and fireworks if I did. And secondly, I wasn't sure what talk she wanted to have. She'd braved the depths of Hell to get here, so I had to hope it was all good. But I'd learnt young not to make assumptions.

As I looked back out the door, I saw Truman and the boys hovering in the tunnel.

"You call this looking after her?" I asked, sparing them each an enquiring look.

"Master Drake–" Truman started but I shook my head.

"I will deal with you three later," I told them.

Kyle squeaked in panic and scurried to hide behind Ignacio, who's face barely shifted out of its usual scowl.

"Do not take it out on them!" Wren snapped as she slid her eyes to my father.

He wasn't even pretending not to listen.

"You've got an excuse," I told her. "They should know better."

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