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-A L A R A-

I'm already feeling the affects of whatever Sam gave me. We never took them at the same time, but I know he's at least tipsy from the alcohol. If I drank as much as he has, I would of been wasted, but he handles his liquor so well.

We've spent some hours dancing and chatting with strangers, mostly girls dressed really provocative.

As we sat at the bar taking a break from the dance floor, a beautiful girl walked up to us. I eyed her figure. She was curvy, with short blonde hair, and lots of cleavage showing. She was wearing a purple colored dressed, but that's all I could make out. It was really dark in here. My vision made swirls and it was hard to make out more details.

She's looking over at Sam and he winks back at her playfully.

"Hey." She smiles flirtatiously.

"Hey." I say before Sam says anything. I grab her attention by caressing her arm. Pills made me really bubbly and dizzy—so dizzy.

Her smile doesn't fade as I grab her face.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask her. She glances at my lips and nods slowly. I glance at Sam before my lips touch her. He's laughing quietly, taking another shot.

She taste like sweet alcohol. I can tell she's a good natural kisser, but I can hardly feel anything. My face feels numb. Just her hands going up and down my arm registers my brain. It feels nice. My hand caresses her soft face, while looking behind her at Sam to see if he's enjoying himself.

"Alright, alright." Sam interrupts. "My turn."

A little dazed, Blondie turns her head to Sam. They start making out and I order another drink to watch them. Sam was a better kisser than her, I knew that too well. I have never kissed anyone better.

My brother and mother know about my sexuality. The only one that I never told was dad. Not that that mattered now. I could stick a pride flag on the soil he's buried at and he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't lay a single finger on me now.

I start to feel angry the longer I think about him. Fuck, I'm suppose to be in a good mood.

Sam reaches for my thigh behind the girl he's making out with. He looks up at me through his lashes. His eyes are black and even though he's kissing her, he's staring at me lustfully.

He notices my mood change all to quick, but I get up to use the bathroom, before I ruin his fun. Tears threaten to fall as I wobble to the bathroom. I hold back a cry.

I grip the sink, once in the bathroom. I use the cold water to splash my face. My tears mix and hide with water. I calm myself down by taking deep breathes. I try to fix some of my makeup that smeared, successfully holding in more of my tears. Sam shows up with a worried look on his face.

"You okay?" He touches my shoulder.

"I want to go home." I sigh.

"Come on baby. We were just starting the fun." he grabs my waist and pulls me close, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I contemplate staying longer for his sake. "Sorry I didn't mean to end your fun with that girl."

Sam smiles at me, "That's fine. We'll have our own fun."

"Yeah?" I smile at him looking into his hazel eyes.

He lets go of my hips and starts walking down the stalls checking for people's legs at the bottom.

I smirk at his idea, knowing exactly what he's doing. I go to the door happy to find a lock on it.

"No one's here?" I hear the click of the lock.

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