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-A L A R A-

I wake up to sunlight and fresh air. Surprised I'm not in a cold wet dungeon. Instead I lay in soft bed with a pillow behind my head.

My muscles ache as I sit up. There's a blanket on me. I didn't wonder who brought me in. I didn't care. This was only temporary. 

"She's awake." I hear an angelic feminine voice from a seating area in the bedroom. I look around the huge space, decorated in a girly vintage theme.

A woman walks over from her seat, after shutting her computer off. She's tall, slim, with her blonde hair braided behind her. She's beautiful and well dressed in black gear.

"Lara, I'm Sonya." She doesn't smile at me, but she sounds friendly. There's some concern in her gray-blue eyes as she sees the stains of blood on the bed sheets.

"Who are you?" I asked, not referring to her name.

"She's my right hand man—or woman actually." I hear that husky annoying voice again. Roman walks up behind Sonya with a white box.

Sonya was one of Roman's soldiers, that was apparent, but saying she was his right hand I can assume he trusts her very much.

I take off my blanket to look at a particular wound that pains me the most. There's a long cut on the outside of my knee, starting from my calf to the top of my patella. It was bleeding still, slowly, but the blood was bright. I had no idea at what point I got it. I've never felt this weak, not even when I got shot.

"I can stitch that for you." Sonya opens the white box. It's a medic kit. Filled with bandages, gauzes, alcohol wipes, and more.

I look at the big burgundy stain my cut caused on the bed. My knees were purple, my feet suffering from blisters, my elbows still raw and exposed to the cold air. I was in no condition to fight or turn down help.

"I think she needs a bath." Roman observed my skin. I probably smelled like sweat and blood.

I forced my body to get up, hunting down a mirror.

"Easy soldier." Sonya grabs my arm.

"I can walk." I bit down on my lip, breathing in through my nose.

I shuffled to a grand circle mirror with gold rim on the wall, right of the bed. Roman was right. My brunette hair was tangled with pieces of glass stuck in the strands. My face had crusted blood and dirt. My eyes had sunken in and I looked like a ghost.

I start taking pieces of glass out hearing their little clinks on the floor as they fall out. I noticed the bump on the side of my scalp.

"That one was me." Roman walks behind me with an apologetic look.

I look at him towering over me in the mirror. He was a foot taller than me. His hands remained in the pockets of his black trousers.

I remembered the car ride last night as my head starts to spin. All of a sudden feeling super dizzy. I'm loosing my footing as Roman reaches out to catch my waist. I look at him through double vision.

"There's two of you." I whisper.

He picks me up effortlessly, bridal style, walking over the glass mess on the floor. His biceps were big and his chest hard. I won't lie, I felt secure in his arms. My world is spinning though and I think I'll throw up, but I don't.

"You're okay." He says as we walk into a pink bathroom. I notice seashells as hooks and a painting of an ocean wave on the wall.

Roman sits me down on the edge of the bathtub. It is white porcelain and disconnect to the wall as you'd imagine an actual tub to look like.

"Sonya will help you take a bath and when you're hungry you can come down." Roman tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, making sure I'm listing to him. His fingers that glided on my cheek and ear, leave me tingling.

"I'm sorry about the bump." he says.

I view into his brown eyes, which I thought were black at first, but I can't seem to hold on to his intense gaze. I stare at his mouth instead. His upper lip had a smooth cupids bow. It's difficult to concentrate, but he was very handsome up close.

He clears his throat, standing straight. "Sonya make sure she doesn't accidentally drown. Give her stitches and bandage her other injuries."

Sonya nods.

"I'm going to get a maid to change her bedsheets." Roman disappears into the bedroom, and out into the hall. If this room was glamorous as a spare room, I could only imagine what the rest of this house looked like.

Sonya helps take off my clothes carefully. My shirt and shorts had rips and holes in them. They were definitely trash at this point. I peeled my disgusting socks off too.

"I'm sure you could do the rest," Sonya says once we get down to just my underwear and bralette.

The tub was filled with warm water by the time I was completely naked. Sonya had left to fetch me clean clothes, but also to give me privacy. She had warned me not to drown on her watch, because she refused getting into trouble.

I let my stinging body sink into the heavenly water. The dirt drifts off of my skin as I gently scrub with a bar of soap. Taking my time on all of my limbs.

"Here," Sonya places folded clothes near the sink. "They might be a little big."

I want to say thank you, but the situation I am in is nothing to be grateful for. 

"Okay." I say instead and she steps outside not shutting the door behind her.

I drain the tub and rinse the suds off with clean water. I change quickly into the t-shirt and linen pants that went past my ankles. A pair of undergarments and socks were included so I had those on too.

I sat on the newly cleaned bed as Sonya worked her magic. She stitched me confidently, and I noticed it was nicely done. She put large bandaids on my elbows. A few small ones on some miscellaneous cuts.

I glanced at the gold mirror. I looked a lot more human, though my skin remained a little pale.

"You could go back to sleep or you can come eat with us." Sonya says throwing the trash away in a tin. "Your choice."

I thought it was ironic to say it was my choice, when being here was not my choice at all.


~made it to double digits! ch 10 already
~come back for ch. 11 :)

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