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-A L A R A-

I now understand why Ale said he wouldn't let anything happen to me. He must of known they were after me. He mentioned they wanted something more than money. Perhaps revenge was the reason I was in Roman's control in this moment.

"Now," I hear his deep voice. "You're going to be good for me right?"

I hate that his voice is so attractive. I won't give him that satisfaction of showing him any emotions, especially those that can blow up his ego.

I stay still, always facing him. Watching intently where his hands were. Trying to predict his next move.

"Good." He sighs, reaching over to me. I can't help but flinch when his hand goes up, having no hands to shield myself.

I opened my squinted eyes when the slap never came.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He reaches again. "If you behave." He's taking the seat belt behind me and buckling me in. He's gotten so close that my cheek brushes his shirt swiftly. I take a note on how delightful he smells and quickly throw the idea out.

"Safety first." he smiles after the click.

My forehead creases in confusion. "You're fucking with me right?"

"Oh no." He laughs. "Though I wouldn't mind... fucking with you." Roman spreads his legs and puts his gun on safety.

"You're probably wondering why you're here." He says.

"You're holding me hostage in exchange for money, I suppose." I adjust my hands as best as can. The tightness feeling really comfortable around my wrists.

"Mm," He arches a brow. "Your brother must have finally told you."

"Is he alive?" I ask afraid of the answer.

"Don't worry. It's you I want." Roman looks at my face, or more so at my smudged cheek. "Your brother is alive. I simply wanted to light a fire under his ass."

I let out a breath. Alejandro was alive. There was no body to prove his death, so I intend to believe that he is just fine. 

"Your face—" Roman starts to say.

"I know I'm bloody." I roll my eyes. My socks were getting crusty along with my shirt.

"I'll take care of you when we get home." Roman's eyes follow my arms and knees, staring at the multitude of wounds on my body.

I was in a lot of pain and the cuffs were pissing me off.

"Home?" I asked.

"My house. It's where we're going."

"Alright. I'll play along." I tighten my jaw. Ale will get me out of this, if I can't do it first. "Can you take off my hand cuffs?"

"Hell no. Maybe when we're closer." He tilts his head back on the seat, relaxing himself. I get a feeling it'll be a long ride until we reach our destination.

"Please." I mumbled. "My circulation is gone."

Roman opened his eyes and pushed me forward to look at my hands behind me.

"Fine. I'll do it on one condition." He says with flirty eyes.


"Answer me truthfully," He gets a key out from his pocket. "Did you enjoy watching me kill that man?"

Everything about this man is unpredictable. What kind of question is that?

"Why'd you even kill him?" It was a serious request. That was his own solider. A member of his clan. I was no one to him. Nothing worth killing one of your own for.

"He disobeyed me." Roman says very casual, like it's simple. "I didn't like what he did to you."

I searched for more information in his dark brown eyes. A clue to something I didn't know.

"I've answered your question. Answer mine."

I contemplated. I hadn't even known he was aware I watched him from the window. I didn't completely hate the fact that that man got punished. Enjoyed it? "Maybe." I say, truthfully.

Roman gives me a one sided smirk, indicating his satisfaction of my answer. He keeps his promise by unlocking my cuffs. I rub my wrists and make a fist groaning at the soreness.

"What's your name?" Roman takes the cuffs and puts it in his door compartment. "Your brother rudely never introduced me to his beautiful sister."

"You kidnapped me and you don't even know my name." I ignore his... compliment?

"I'm a terrible abductor." he shrugs.

"Alara." I say softly. "I go by Lara."

"Lara." he tastes my name on his mouth. "Lara Lemon."

"Just Lara." I correct him.

"I like Lemon." he smiles showing his beautiful teeth. "Sour like a lemon."

I look away from him and his stupid joke. I was certainly not sour if that's what he's thinking. How else was I suppose to act when I've been taking forcefully?

I crossed my arms feeling the sting of my concrete rash. I needed to get out of here before we went too far. I just had to wait for the right time. Catch him off guard. I glanced at him resting his head again with his eyes closed.

I let time pass, so he'd get extra comfortable. I'm sure half an hour has gone by now. I look over at the gun in his hand. I could knock him out and shoot the window open. Or better yet I could kill him with the gun.

I move painfully slow at first. Taking my time at getting a good angle. I take a deep breath and...snatch the gun from him, immediately taking the safety off. I aim at him hesitantly, just as he throws the gun up with my hand. I fire at the roof of the car and we swerve. Roman ducks down. I fall back and get ready to shoot again, aiming for my window this time.

The glass shatters and Roman jumps on top of me, fighting for the gun. He pins me with both his meaty thighs on each side of my waist, straddling me. I'm looking up at him as he gets a grip on the gun and my hand. I have glass fragments in my face and hair.

He takes my weapon away.

"Sorry Lemon." he says barely out of breath and then I feel a hard plow to my head.

Everything goes black.


~guys i couldn't sleep so i decided to write another chapter!!

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