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-A L A R A-

It's been another week since the passing of my mother. Ale and I don't talk about it without arguing and yelling at each other. So I stopped bringing it up. I don't blame him, but I can't help starting these fights. I began to avoid him and Sam as much as they'll allow me.

I just couldn't deal with others trying to make me feel better. I knew already it wouldn't work. It just made me impatient and angry.

I hear the door bell ring at the front and then a second time. Could Ale not hear that? I reluctantly get up from our pool in the back yard. My attempts of relaxing always fails by intruders.

I walk through the living room and kitchen to open the door. I'm fully in a light blue bikini making puddles as I stand there. It's a lady about mid forties holding some sort of dish in her hand. I wait for her to say something, but she just smiles with a melancholy look on her face.

"What do you want?" I stand with my hands on my hips.

"Good morning dear. I heard about your mother on the news. I'm deeply sorry for your lost."

"Who are you?" I certainly never seen this woman before. It's always suspicious seeing new faces near our house. Could be a trap, after all my family didn't have an average job.

"I was your mothers friend since high school. I came to bring you some food. It's my—"

She never gets to finish her sentence because I'm already shutting the door on her. Seriously how many people are going to bring food and say sorry. This wasn't worth my pool time. I desperately needed to move past this.

"Lara! What the hell is wrong with you?" Ale is scowling at me, pushing me aside to open the door.

"Well for starters, I'm an orphan." I shrug.

He calls out to the lady to come back.

I can hear him apologize on behalf of me through the closed door. Making up excuses for my behavior.

Well, I might as well get a snack before heading back to the pool. I hunt down any fruit I can find in the kitchen and pantry. Strawberries and oranges were my all time favorite. I start chopping them up into smaller pieces and placing them in a bowl. Eating some while preparing it of course.

Ale opens the front door again with a oven dish in his hand. As I stare at him I notice a taller figure behind him. A man in dark casual attire walks in with him. They're around the same age, maybe the man is older or maybe he just hasn't shaved in weeks.

"Another one?" I sigh. Of course that woman wouldn't be the last. At least this man was sexy and much better dressed.

"Actually this is my business partner." Ale says placing the food in the fridge.

"Roman." He sticks his hand out for me to shake, but I just watch him blankly. He's even more handsome up close. Strong jaw, straight nose, beautiful teeth. I don't shake his hand though.

He smirks it off as if he predicted something right.

"What kind of business?" I turn to Ale for a response.

"Nothing that concerns you. Go back to your room and put on a shirt or something." He was acting weird, nervous even. Ale is a straightforward kind of person. Rarely nervous or worried, but that look in his eyes is unsettling.

I roll my eyes. "Why are you acting like my dad? Bossing me around. What is it with you taking control of everything?"

"I don't have time for another one of you're tantrums. We're not doing this right now." He glances at the man still standing there, amused.

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