Chapter Seven

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I turn to see a smiling face surrounded by long brown hair... Chelsea. I let out a sigh, "You scared me."

"Who else would it be... never mind. Sorry. So you took a walk this morning huh?" She asks.

"Uh yeah. I wanted to think about things. It's been a few crazy days." I take a sip of my soda.

She nods in agreement. We walk a little down the beach in silence until we find a bench to sit at.

"So where did you go?" She asks.


"Like for your walk, duh." She says.

"Oh.. I went by Harry's record store, then walked here, then you scared the shit out of me and here we are." I explain.

"So you went to Harry's?" She smirks.

"Why do you say it like that?" My heart speeds up a little bit just by the sound of his name.

"You know he likes you right? Couldn't you tell by the way he couldn't keep his eyes off you at dinner?"

Yeah until I screwed it all up by asking a dumb question.

"I mean.. yeah I noticed. I didn't think he liked me." My checks are turning red. I cannot believe Harry likes me.

"Oh my god, you think he's cute. You do!" She talks like such a teenager.

"Oh come on Chelsea." I ignore the question.

"You know I could totally set it up."

"Let me think about it." I want to say yes but, I can't seem that desperate.

We sit in silence and I can't help but think what Thomas would do if he knew I was thinking about another man this way. I know it's not right of me but I can't help but be a bit scared of a relationship. Harry seems like a really sweet guy, but so did Thomas. It's just hard not to question relationships now. Thomas changed me.

I watch some guy on the waves playfully swing his toddler around in the water and I begin to wonder how Harry is with his daughter. I mean it's so weird right? He has a daughter. I begin to thinking other questions too. Like does he really even like me? Why would such a handsome guy like such a small little one like me?

I break the silence, "How do you even know that he likes me?"

"He told me over the phone that night we went out to dinner. He really likes you Louis, he couldn't stop thinking about you. He only called me to ask about you."

"Really?" I smile.


"Is it weird that I like him too? Like after everything that has gone on with Thomas? Isn't it so wrong?" I ask.

"I don't think so. I think Harry could reassure you of things," She basically reads my mind. "I think he could help you overcome this fear of a relationship that I can sense you have."

"I just don't think it's the time." I shake my head. As much as I absolutely hate Thomas I feel so guilty. I sometimes lead to blaming myself for him being an alcoholic. If it wasn't for our relationship, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

"As rude as this may sound, fuck Thomas and let go of everything he has ever put on you. That being stress and fear and everything. You need to move on and go onto something better."

"I'm trying to. I'll think about it okay?"

"Yeah okay. I've got to get going. I'll see you back at the house I guess." She gets up and dusts the sand off of her shorts.

"Yeah, see you later."

I watch her walk away and my mind once again drifts to Harry. That damn Harry. My heart is literally fluttering right now. He really likes me even after dinner. Everything might actually be okay for once.

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