Chapter 1

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I gaze at my black lacquered lips in the mirror as I get ready for the night shift and have the urge to wipe all of it away and go back to sleep. I halt myself from following that impulse. Vampires have to make a coin too right? Look at me referring to myself as a vampire but that's how I feel when I sleep all day and wake up for work at 8p.m every night.

Copper's diner sits at the very edge of town in the middle of nowhere, right across the road of the only cemetery in Silverwick. For being so far away from civilization it sure does get busy from time to time.

Tonight it's slow, the restaurant is so empty you can hear the crickets chirping outside and the light from the kitchen flicker. Crabby Ms. Dot comes in to enjoy her midnight coffee, not speaking to me unless it's to tell me her drink is cold and to ask me for more sugar packets.

"Well aren't you just a cutie!" I hear an unfamiliar woman's voice to the left of me, startling me as I'm pouring Ms. Dot's third coffee of the evening. I gasp in pain as the coffee scorches my wrist and rolls down my hand.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry dear, allow me to see!" I turn towards the voice and see a bubbly blonde woman hovering over me, a distraught look on her face.

"No worries. Can I help you with anything?" I ask, wiping my hand on my apron and hiding it behind my back away from her prying eyes.

Her expression changes from worry back to bubbly again so quick I hardly notice the switch. Nuna always told me to be weary of people who change expressions too quick.

"Well! My husband and I just moved to town and we'd like to know what we gotta do to get some key lime pie around here!" The woman jests. There's a kind of twinkle in her eye I have never seen before. Half my instincts are telling me to trust and like this woman, the other half tell me to run.

I look over to the booth in the corner at the gentleman who must be her husband. He reads what appears to be a news paper and doesn't look up once.

"No problem, I'll meet you over there in a second," I reply. The lady smiles and walks back to her booth. I hand off the coffee to Ms. Dot who for the first time makes eye contact with me. She glances over at the the couple and then raises one fuzzy gray eyebrow at me quizzically. My feeling exactly, Dot.

As I approach the husband and wife I quickly take note of their appearances. They're dressed a bit odd and that's a lot coming from a goth like me. I've always been picked on for the way I dressed. But their whole look was just, what's the word? alien. The blonde has her hair up in what looks like a pinup hairstyle, except she's decorated her whole bun with different colored buttons. Dangling black and white earrings with trippy spirals, the type you'd see in movies used to hypnotize people. A violet top with flared sleeves that shows just the right amount of cleavage to draw your eyes to the extravagant jewelry around her neck. Manicured Nails as long and pointy as switchblades. The woman is stunning, no doubt, but it's the type of beauty that confuses you.

Her S.O does not look any more typical than his wife. A petite black bowler hat sits on his head and he wears a red and white striped over coat with a white cravat underneath. Tattoos cover his hands but I can't make out what they're of in the dim lighting. It's only then I notice the headline in the newspaper. It reads:

World famous circus comes to Silverwick

The man clears his throat and when I look up his eyes bore into mine. His gaze is just as intimidating and bizarre as his wife's.

Instead of turning on my heels and walking into the kitchen, I clear my throat and recite my usual greeting. The man cuts me off as I'm talking about milk shakes "we'll just have a key lime pie to go please," he says politely. I feel a weight lift off my shoulder as I realize they're not staying for long.

"Yes of course I'll have that out-" as I speak, a shadow crosses the corner of my vision across the street. I squint to see in dark. What on earth would be lurking at the graveyard at this time of night?

"You were saying, dear?" The woman inquires, reverting my attention back to them. "I'll have it out in just a moment," I finish.

I hurry to the kitchen and package up their pie as if my life depends on it. Is this just my social anxiety talking or do these people cause a pit to form in my stomach?

I hear whispering as I walk out of the kitchen and it quickly stops when I set the box on their table. I pass them the check and the man hands me a wad of cash. "Keep the change," he says hurriedly. He stands up and delicately takes his wife's hand.

"Have a remarkable night, Dani, it was nice meeting you," the blonde says with a wink. We don't have name tags. Before I can ask how she got my name, they're gone. The door swings on their way out.

As I'm closing shop, I notice something small peeking out from the crack in the seat.

A shiny red button stares back at me like a red flag.

A shiny red button stares back at me like a red flag

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