Chapter 7

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As I turn the tarot cards over, one by one, an ominous feeling settles over me. The tower card clarified by the Devil. One of the worst combinations of cards you could pull in a reading. Since my question is regarding the near future, this is worrisome to say the least. It's as if something is warning me of imminent danger. That does sound very cliche, but most if not all of my readings have come true.

"Are you ready to go?" Grace asks, combing her blonde hair into a ponytail. I forgot I'd agreed to take a drive to the market with her after work today. I don't tell her that I no longer feel like going, I just suck it up and get ready for the lengthy drive into town.

"I had the weirdest experience at work today," Grace announces, breaking the silence during the drive. "What happened?" I mumble, only half interested.

"I saw a man in a clown costume standing outside of the hospital. He followed me to my car and I drove away before he could get to my window," She continues, her voice quivering slightly. Now this catches my attention. I turn to her, eyes wide, realizing for the first time why she wanted me to go with her today. She's still scared.

My sister had always been scared of clowns. A vivid memory flashes into my mind of us at a circus as kids, she cried every time she saw a clown. In every picture from that day, she's sobbing with a fearful look on her face. I can't help but notice the irony that she of all people would be stalked by some weirdo in a clown suit.

"He was probably just messing with you, you know, with Halloween around the corner," I reply.

"I'm serious, his makeup was terrifying, realistic blood and everything," She responds. Clearly my attempts at trying to appease her fears had failed.

The market is not nearly as packed as it usually is but the sound of hagglers and vendors makes it sound busy. Grace throws things at me to carry. She seems to think that since I'm a server, that means I have twenty hands.

On our way out of the market I notice a booth I'd never seen there before. Millie's Metaphysicals the little sign above the door reads. The booth is set up like a tent unlike the rest of the shops in the market. My intrigue must show on my face because Grace takes the bags from me so I can check out the booth.

Upon entering, I'm blown away by how many commodities could be in one little tent. My senses are bombarded with new smells, colors, and objects I was never aware existed. I examine each item I see, trying to memorize things for later.

There are bobbles of liquids labeled with words I've never heard of, animal specimen jars of all kinds, live rats, taxidermy rabbits and birds, rows and rows of herbs and crystals and more. Something glittery catches the corner of my eye. A pendulum.

I realize in that moment that I'd never seen something so enticingly gorgeous in my life. It glints as I hold it up to the light. I feel called to buy it, so I bring it up to the counter. No one greets me there.

"Hello? I'd like to make a purchase," I call out. Nothing but silence follows. I wait a few more minutes and just as I'm about to put the pendulum back and leave, I hear a rustling in the tent near the counter. An ancient woman comes into the tent wearing a pinched expression on her worn face.

"I'm sorry, that's not for sale, it's a personal item," she says, barely making eye contact.

"Oh sorry, I understand," I say, handing it to her. During the exchange, our hands brush and she jolts back, losing her balance before stabilizing herself again. Her eyes appear slightly glazed over.

"Are you alright?" I ask, slightly startled.

"Yes, I'm quite alright, but I'm not so sure you are, dear," she says, a haunting look in her eyes, as if she'd seen a ghost. Maybe she had. Before I can ask her to elaborate she's pushing me towards the door of the tent.

"You must leave and not come back. Be careful who you trust and keep the pendulum, you'll need all the help you can get," she rushes.

"One last thing. They tell me you should stay away from the big top," She says before letting the tent close shut in my face. I knew there were weirdos here but wow. I'm met with a confused Grace. I take the groceries from her and rush her to the exit of the the marketplace. I can't get out of here sooner.

On our way to the car, my sister doesn't say a word. I hear a small clap of thunder and begin walking faster. When we're almost to the car, I feel a forceful hand reach out and shove me. Hard. Hard enough for me to lose my balance and fall on my ass, all of the groceries hitting the ground with me.

I look up to see Grace with the most alarmed expression I'd ever seen on her face. The same look she'd sported at the circus when we were kids.

I soon understand the reason for this when I hear a sickening chuckle to the left of me.

With dripping black face paint, a predatory grin on his outstretched lips, and a look almost reminiscent of the Terrifier movie, a clown stands above me. His aura is dark and I notice something similar to a shadow slithering around him.

From the look on Grace's face, this must be the same clown that had followed her to her car at the hospital.

Oh hell no.

Oh hell no

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