Chapter 3

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Mani P.O.V

I walked in the house at 7:50, soaking wet with a runny nose. That wasn't the worst of it. Guess who got in trouble for coming in late? Me, that's who. As soon as I stepping through the threshold, my father was already yelling at me.

"Where have you been?" He demanded. "You get out of dance at 5:00, and it's now 7:52 "

"Oh what happened to the perfect, happy family we were just this morning?" I mumbled under my breath sarcastically, rolling my eyes even.

"Don't get smart with me young lady."

"I can't get what I already am." I sassed before walking away from him and his dumb lecture. When I was reaching the stairs, a strong hold was straining my wrist. I gasped loudly when the other wrapped around my neck and pressed against my wind pipe.

"I will not tolerate your disrespect." He growled in my face, letting his hot breath fan over me. "Stop being so fucking disrespectful and fucking listening sometimes dammit!"

My little sister Nyla was coming out of the kitchen when she saw what position I was in. The first thing she did was attack this animal given the title as my "father".

"Get off of her daddy! Let her go!" She kicked, punched, slapped and pulled him but to no avail. Her small hits didn't do much to ease his tight grip on me. I was beginning to lose consciousness. My eyes began flutter as my vision blurred. Suddenly I was dropped to the ground.

"Fuck! What the hell is the matter with you!?" He roared, grabbing at his arm that had an imprint of teeth on it.

Nyla ignored him and ran straight to me. I was too busy trying to get air into my lunges again. Tears filled up my eyes as oxygen was once again restored in me.

"Are you okay? Are you going to die?" She asked. And although I found her second question a bit farfetched, I accepted the fact that she cared enough to ask.

I just shook my head no, still not being able to vocally respond. I could still feel the faint tightness on my delicate cords. I found the situation funny actually. Yeah, It's funny how my mother didn't hear nothing this abusive bastard ever said or did, but always had 20/20 hearing whenever I was "disrespectful".

Not wanting to be here any longer than I had to be, I ran up to my room and went straight into my closet. I didn't care. I just pulled out my duffle bag and started stuffing clothes in it.

I couldn't stay in this house, at least not for awhile. No, not with that asshole here. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I went back downstairs.

"Where are you going?" It irked my very core to hear this woman's voice, especially now when everything was said and done. After what I had just been through with that prick only a few minutes ago, she chooses now when I'm about to leave to come out, looking "concerned" and "worried".


Instead of answering her, I just kept walking. How can she come out now but not when I was being held in mid air by my throat?

'And the award for the best mom in the world goes to....' I thought. I just left the house with tears streaming down my face. When I was a block away from that hellhole, I pulled out my phone and called the only person I knew that could help me.

"Hello?" Was the first thing they said.

"Can you please come and get me?" I was biting my lip hard to keep from crying aloud. "Please?"

"Why? Where are you? And why are you crying?"

I rolled my eyes, causing some of the unshed tears to fall. I didn't have time to be investigated. "Can I just come over? Please?"

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