Chapter 5

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Mani POV

"Yeah, um.. Okay." He agreed hesitantly with a weak smile. With one last glance, he walked away. I began to feel bad for blowing him off the way I did, but I stopped myself from feeling guilty when I saw him walking over to Rachel and kissing all over her.

Then again that is his girlfriend so there's no reason I can get mad. To him, he's giving love to an angel, but to me, he's wasting his affection on a narcissistic asshole. A person who doesn't even give a damn about him or anyone else for that matter, yet he's blinded by god knows what.

It doesn't even matter at this point. It was stupid of me to even think we could ever be together. Not even remotely possible would that happen. I don't why I have this movie-like dream of the hot guy seeing the loner girl for who she really is, a smart beautiful girl, and giving her chance. Why I believed in such a dumb thing, I don't know. But I did.

Instead of like the guy in my fantasy, I get a gorgeous guy who is not as smart as everyone thinks he is because if he was, he would leave her, like a real sane and smart person would. And I'm not just saying that because I think he should get with me, although that would be nice. I'm just saying that he needs to know his worth and not settle for anything less, like her.

Because she's one of the most popular girls in the school, he feels obligated to be with her. It's sad that he fell to the stereotype and doesn't even notice that he's ignoring his real feelings.

As they walk away smiling and happy with their lives, I still stand there, trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do with mine.


Jacob POV

I was kind of hurt when Mani rejected me and my offer. Not only that, I was mad that she had to lie just to make me go away. But honestly, I couldn't blame her for wanting to keep her distance.

I understood exactly why she'd want to be far away from Rachel and I. After standing her up, getting her in really bad trouble and then Rachel embarrassing her in front of the whole class. I wouldn't want to be next to us either.

Taking a small gland over my shoulder, I saw her still standing there. I was about to go back and ask her what's wrong when Rachel came pouncing at me, covering my face with kisses. As much as I wanted her to stop, I let her. I couldn't tell her no, she was my girlfriend. And there was the fact that she was the most popular girl in school who could have anyone she wanted, and she picked me.

I should feel lucky that she chose me over a bunch of other guys. I should be happy to show her off as mine and not anyone else's, even if she could be a pain in the ass and make everyone's life a living hell.

While Rachel was rambling on and on about something, possibility gossip or something petty, I was blocking her out. My mind was filled with everything that's happened in the last few days and how I just let myself settle for anything this girl did.

I knew Rachel wasn't the best for me. I knew it since the day I saw her true colors, which was only a few days into our relationship. And I already knew who was good for me. I've known for a long time now.

But the thing about that is that I think I already blew my chance. Besides, we could never be together. It wasn't allowed. It was basically forbidden.

I forced a fake laugh when she said something she believed was funny, when in reality, it was actually cruel. I didn't even know what she said altogether, but knowing her, it was mostly likely something rude, mean, disrespectful and uncalled for, like almost everything that comes out of her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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