Chapter 4

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Mani POV

A whole entire week has gone by and nothing has changed. Jacob doesn't say much to me anymore. The only time he even utters a word to me is when we're working on our project. His girlfriend Rachel has been getting to me, with her clingy behavior. And this isn't even about me liking Jacob. She's literally distracting him from focusing on our project. We're both getting graded on it, and I'll be damned if I get a bad grade just because they wanted to go at it like bunnies.

Not only that, my mother still doesn't believe that her "perfect" husband choked me out, but that's nothing new. When did she ever believe anything I said?


Right now I'm at lunch, sitting next to Nia. She's going on about something, and as much as I want to listen to her, I can't. My attention is solemnly on Jacob.

"Are you even listening to me?" She said, stopping my thoughts momentarily.

"Huh? What did you say?"

She scoffed with an eye roll. "I said don't you think Jaden and I would make a cute couple?"

"Yeah, sure." I waved off.

Just as she was about to talk again, most likely to go on a rant about my absent mindedness, the bell ranged. I got up and quickly went to my next class, which was English.

"Good Morning class."

"Good Morning Ms. Beasley." The class said in union.

"Today we will be doing an assignment about ourselves, and how it is we see the world. I want you to write about what's meaningful in your lives. How is life going for you? And what are your goals?" She listed off a few more questions.

I know I wasn't the only one mad that we had this assignment. I didn't have a lick of sense what I was going to write about. I mean I have no meaning in life because if I haven't made it obviously, my life is hell.

I have a father who chokes me and a mother who doesn't believe anything I say and just takes her husband's side.

"It's not that bad." Ms. B grinned. "I know everyone is going to do great! I can't wait to hear about the life you each have."

"Umm excuse me Ms. Beasley?" Someone raised their hand.


"Well I don't know why this one girl is doing the assignment. I mean, she has no life to write about. Right Mani?"

Everyone in the class started to laugh and a lot of them was agreeing with her. I heard a lot them snickering and one of them said "what's the point of her living I mean she has no life".

I didn't bat an eyelash. Because I've been through worse. I mean I was recently put in a death grip by my own sperm donor. Can't get any worse than that.

"That was uncalled for." Ms. B scowled, trying to calm down the laughter that was echoing around the room from the other students.

"I'm just asking a question." I heard her say.

By now, everyone was looking at me. Turning around to see the culprit behind the comment, I came to see that the girl that had said it was none other than Rachel.

Of course it had to be her, Jacob's girlfriend. More like his side bitch from the way he smiles at other girls. Everyone was laughing even harder. Eventually I got tired of the immaturity this class heavily had and walked out.


Jacob POV

"Rachel, that was really uncalled for."

"What?" She giggled. "I just asked a simple question. You're making it seem like I touched the girl."

"But you-"

"Princeton, it's over." She snapped, losing her amusement quickly. "You act like you like her or something."

"You know that's not true." I defended, ignoring the way my heart stung.

"Okay, so if its not true, shut up about it." She demanded.

"Okay that's enough you too." Ms. B snapped, making the entire room go silent. "And Rachel, since you want to be asking question, you can ask them in detention."

"Omg Ms. Beasley! That's not fair I didn't even do anything!" She said unconvincingly.

Ms. Beasley pretended to think. "So you didn't just make a student a laughing stock just now and made her cry?"

"We don't know if she was crying or not. She just ran out an-" Rachel denied weakly before she was cut off.

"Not another word from you. You have detention and that's final."

While Rachel basically got embarrassed by our teacher, I just kept thinking about Mani and how what Rachel did and said was really wrong. I think what Rachel did was really uncalled for and unnecessary. It's not like Mani ever did anything to her, or to anyone.

The bell rung, knocking me out of my thoughts. I got up from my seat and was about to walk out when I saw Mani's things still at her desk. I gathered up her things for her and walked out with them, looking for her.


Mani POV

I went to the bathroom to try to calm myself down. Why did she do that? I barely knew the girl and vice versa yet she was trying to humiliate me. The tears, against my free will just began to slide down my face. How dare she talk about me like that? She didn't even know me well enough to say what she did.

I washed my face off, dried it with a paper towel and looked at myself in the mirror.

So that's what stress and tiredness looks like...

"Mani, it's okay." I whispered to myself. "You're fine. Just go back in the class room and ignore them like you always do."

I just kept pacing, taking deep breaths and letting them out slowly. I refuse to have a breakdown just because of one comment from an irrelevant person. I will not let myself fall victim to words.

Just then I heard the bell ranged. I wash my face with cold water one last time and wiped it, making sure there was no evidence of my previous tears. I walked out the bathroom and instantly bumped into someone.

Because it's happened way more times to even be considered an accident or coincident anymore, I automatically said what I always did. "I'm sorry I--"

"It's okay." He cut me off. "I was just looking for you to give you your things. You left them in class."

"Um," I said reluctantly. "Thank you."

"No problem." He nodded.

I took my things and began to walk away when he stopped me, something he seems to do every time I try to leave.

"Hey Mani." He said nervously. I raised a questioning brow.

"Um.. I was thinking maybe we could work on our project today." He looked down, fiddling with his fingers.

"Umm.." I dragged on awkwardly. "I can't today, sorry. I have something to do. Maybe some other time?"

To Be Continued 

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