Heart to Heart

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Beverly clasped hands with Bill and walked outside of the house, looking for her sister's car. They stood outside, colored lights flashed behind them and faint music twisted their eardrums. "Did you have fun?" Beverly asked smiling. Bill rolled his eyes and nodded. She stuck out two fingers and grased them over a dark spot on Bill's neck. "Is that a hickey!?" She exclaimed, and he flinched, pushing her arm away. "Sh-sh-shut up." She laughed loudly and stopped when a silver toyota corolla rolled into their view. A red-headed girl sat in the driver's seat fashioning a wide grin. Beverly waved and took the front, leaving Bill doomed to the backseat. Beverly's older sister turned her head to her and shook her shoulders with excitement. "Ahh! Your first highschool party! How was it!?" She screamed, hurting Bill's ears.

Beverly chuckled and tucked a hair behind her ear. "It was good." Vickie furrowed her brows. "Just good? C'mon. What did you do? Did you play any games? Did they have good snacks? Good music?" Vickie inhaled deeply with a reddened complexion, "Was there any cute guys!?" She squealed. Beverly laughed and shook her head, "Vickie stop it. We're both really tired. Can we just go home?" Vickie's face dropped, "Oh. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Sorry. I just. Did you meet anyone? Doesn't have to be a boy. Did you make a friend?" She nodded.

"Honestly, Bill I don't know why you're being so silent when-" Beverly stopped when she turned her head to the backseat where a sleeping Bill was. He laid across the seats in the fetal position with his arms wrapped around each other. Beverly laughed and turned her head back to Vickie. "I made a friend I think. Two." Vickie's face lit up. She ruffled Bev's hair and stared into her eyes, "Excellent." She said in a goofy voice and Bev laughed.

Vickie cleared her throat, and turned the keys into the ignition and pumped the pedals. She continued speaking while she drove. "Well, I'm glad you had such a great time. And made friends. Cause my sophomore year was a wreck." Bev furrowed her brows, "Oh yeah?" Vickie nodded. "I mean, I was bullied pretty hard. There was this one bully..." Her voice trailed off. "Wait. I know it. Tommy Hagan." She nodded, "Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins. Well, more so Tommy. Carol just egged him on, but. It doesn't matter." She cleared her throat once more, and took a deep breath, "I've always been a nerdy kid. I'm in band, so of course I got bullied." Beverly stifled a laugh. "But before I was truly known as a band kid, these bullies pestered me for weeks. No. Months. They were relentless. I don't know if you remember, but the reason I cut my hair was because they stuck gum in it." Beverly gasped, "I thought you just liked it shorter." Vickie nodded, "I did. I do. And I like the new look on you too, Kiddo." Beverly smiled. "But they always made fun of my red hair. They made fun of how I'd always wear them in braids. They'd call me 'Raggedy Vickie'." Her eyes welled up.

"But it wasn't always about my hair. It was my style, my mannerisms. They called me 'annoying', 'ugly', every insult in the book i'm sure." Beverly looked down at her knees and sighed.

"So, I'm just glad that. That you aren't going through that. I'm glad that Middle School hasn't followed you here. Hawkins or Derry, there's always bullies." Beverly nodded, "I know." Vickie sighed, "I know you know, Kiddo." Beverly and Vickie exchanged glances and smiled. "Since Bill isn't awake to answer, did he have a good time?" Vickie asked, her eyes on the road.

Beverly giggled, "Yeah. a real good time." Vickie scoffed, "What's that supposed to mean?" Beverly rolled her eyes, and pointed at Bill's neck. Vickie gasped. "That rapscallion! First high school party and he hooks up with a girl. I must say, I didn't know Bill was the romantic type." Beverly laughed, "He is." blush came across her face, which was unnoticed by Vickie.

  "Should I like...watch him now? Make sure I know who he's going with at all times, snoop through his stuff, sneak condoms into his backpack or something?" Beverly laughed with a snort, "No. No. I think it's fine. Don't worry about it." Vickie raised her eyebrows, "I really wanted you to say 'yes'. I mean I was going to go all 'overprotective mother' on him." Beverly laughed again, "Yes. You need to watch him." She said sarcastically. Vickie laughed with a snort, "Okay. Thank you for letting me know." She turned and winked, making Beverly blush.

Hi! Sorry this one is short. I hope you liked it anyway! I hope someone will appreciate the reference to Anne With An E with Vickie's haircut and her "braids" also i hope you liked the reference to Tommy and Carol, cause i feel like I haven't seen them in a while. Like since season 1. Anyways, i'm rambling again. bye!
(word count: 857 words)

-Milo <3

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