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After a while, the waiter had brought out our food. It was still steaming since it was freshly made. I was super eager to take a bite but once I did, I winced. It wasn't as great as I thought it would be. The blueberries just made it way to sweet for my liking. Robin blew on his food to cool it off and glanced over at me.

"You don't like it?" He asked.

"No it's fine." I lied. I like pancakes but not the blueberries in it. Robin grabbed my plate and set it in front of him, then took his own plate and put it in front of me. His food was untouched and now cooled down enough to eat. He started cutting up the pancakes and took a bite.

"Try it." He said, motioning to the plate. I picked up the fork next to me and stabbed at the food. I took a bite and waited a second to decide if I liked it. Robin actually had really good taste in food because it was the best thing I've ever eaten before. My eyes widened at how good it was and I started stabbing at it more to take another bite.

"So I guess it's good huh?" Robin said with a slight laugh. I nodded and continued to eat the food in front of me.

"Do you like pancakes?" I asked, realizing he had swapped so I could enjoy my breakfast. He took a drink of his water and nodded.

"I'm not very picky. I'll eat anything really. 𝘐 think the pancakes are good." He said. I looked down at the food I was eating then back at Robin.

"Thank you." I said. He smiled and continued to cut into his food. We both neared the end of eating our food. We had been eating and talking for about an hour now. I took a sip of my water as I finished my food and I could feel Robin looking at me. I turned my head and all I could focus on was how perfect he was.

"What?" I asked with a smile.

"You're really pretty." He said. His face had turned a slight red and he wouldn't take his eyes off me. I could feel myself blush at the compliment.

"I was wondering if you actually wanted to go out with me this weekend?" He asked hesitantly. I could tell he was nervous but he'd never admit it.

"I'd love to. What are we gonna do?" I asked. He smiled and put his hand on my knee, squeezing it slightly.

"It's a surprise." He looked so happy.

Robin had set some money on the counter to pay for our food and extra for a tip. We walked out and started walking home. One thing was for sure, we were definitely getting our steps in for how much walking we'd been doing. Once we arrived at my house, I hugged Robin instead of simply saying goodbye. His grip on me was tight. I honestly didn't wanna leave.

"I will see you on Saturday at 4." He said. I smiled at the thought of going on a date with Robin. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a date but I don't care. It sounds like a date to me so that's what I'm calling it.

"Cant wait." I turned around and walked inside. I watched as Robin waited for me to be safely inside, then start walking away from my house. I leaned against the door in awe. I couldn't shake the happy fluttery feeling in my stomach. As I walked through the house, my mood was quickly changed when my mom burst into the room.

"Where have you been Alina?" She yelled angrily.

"ME? Where have you been!" I shot back. I really didn't wanna ruin my happy mood with an argument with my mom and I really could've just took the heat but I was so sick of her not being around.

"Don't take a tone with me. I'm the adult. You are the child. You need to learn some respect." She yelled. I rolled my eyes and slid my shoes off my feet, then pushed past her to get to my room.

"Alina Mariana Rodriguez! Don't ignore me, I'm your mother."

I turned around to look at her before I closed my door.

"Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you deserve my respect. It's earned, not given." I said calmly. She really didn't seem to like that answer. She angrily stomped over to me and pointed in my face.

"I don't 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 to earn your respect. I raised you. I've given you food, water, shelter, clothes, a life. You're the one who should be earning my respect, not me." I put my hand up and pushed her finger away from my face, but she grabbed my arm and raised it up to my eye level. I was glaring at her and breathing heavily. Her grip around my arm was only tightening as she got angrier. My hands balled up into fists and I tried to break from her grip.

"You keep running around town like this, sleeping with boys you don't know and getting knocked up, you'll end up just like me and I know you don't want that." I managed to pull my arm away from her and turned around to walk in my room. My mom followed behind me. I layed down in my bed, faced away from the door. My mom walked in and talked as I hid my face from her. Tears had formed in my eyes but I didn't allow myself to cry.

"One of these days you're going to grow up and realize how fucked up this world is." My mom said in an angry, low voice.

"Then I hope I never grow up at all." I said quietly, but just loud enough for her to hear. She scoffed and I could hear her grab the door handle. She pulled the door closed and I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I shuffled my way under the covers and set my head back down against my pillow.

'Just sleep the problems away' I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and started to think of something happy. Something that didn't make me feel like the worst person in the world.


As I closed my eyes, I smiled, picturing him in my head. His black folded bandanna tied around his head and his jeans. His sparkling brown eyes and soft hair. His delicate skin and warm touch. Just 𝘩𝘪𝘮. As I drifted off into sleep, I just thought about how excited I was for our first date. Our first 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 date.

I might publish two parts today lol. Anyways carry on<3

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