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Robin walked me home that night as usual. I couldn't sleep that night and the whole day on Sunday, I could only think about Robin. My boyfriend.

I have a boyfriend.

I couldn't wait for Monday so I could see Robin at school. It's been a routine for him to walk me to school so I sat at the kitchen table waiting for him. I didn't wanna go without him but it started to get late. He would've been here by now. Maybe he's sick and not going to school today. I got up from the table and left my house.

As I walked down the street, I fidgeted with my bracelet. I couldn't help but think of the worst. I could hear a loud noise from the upcoming street. It sounded like a large crowd. I started running up the street and turned the corner. I was right. There were a bunch of kids from school that were circled around something.

I could hear a familiar voice. I pushed my way through to see Robin and Moose standing in the middle of the crowd.

Robin what are you getting yourself into.

"I outta beat the fuck out of you."

"Then do it."

Moose swung at Robin but he dodged it, swinging and kicking at moose. I watched as Robin just continued to beat the shit out of this kid who was twice his size. Moose was thrown on the ground and Robin leaned over him. He held him by his shirt and raised his fist in the air.

Robin punched moose once in the face and paused when he heard everyone gasp. He then continued to punch moose. I couldn't see much but I saw lots of blood. I looked across the crowd to see Gwenny and Finn leaving the crowd. Not long after, Robin stood up and everyone walked away.

I guess he didn't see me standing in the crowd. He walked over to the sidewalk where he had his back laying on the concrete and picked it up. Moose was still laying on the ground. He didn't move and for a split second I thought he might even be dead.

Robin turned and started walking over my way. He looked up and saw me and looked shocked for a second. He looked nervous but continued walking over to me.

"Sorry I'm late." He said, wiping his bloody hand on his jeans.

"It's okay. Are you alright?" I reached out for his hand but he pulled away. I couldn't read him. I could usually read him like a book. I couldn't tell what he wanted me to do or say. We stood for a second before he spoke.

"I had a reason."

"I know."

I didn't know. I didn't know why he hurt moose but I wasn't mad. I don't know why he'd think I'd be upset. I was actually really proud of him. We started walking to school since we were already late. He walked a little bit taller that day.

Our walk was quiet but he looked so happy with himself. By time we'd gotten to school, we'd already missed first period. I walked into my second period class and everyone was staring at me. I hate walking into class late. It's so awkward.

"Alina. Please take your seat." The teacher said. I kept my head down as I walked to my seat. I set my stuff down and took out my science books. I started studying but got interrupted when a group of girls next to me kept throwing small pieces of crumpled paper at me.

"What?" I asked annoyed. I looked over at the girls who were all laughing at me. I didn't understand what was so funny to them until they started whispering to me.

"Beaner, beaner, beaner." I turned back around to my books, embarrassed. I tried to ignore them but they just kept taunting me. A large piece of paper was thrown by my feet and I bent down to pick it up. Dreading what was written on the paper, I opened it.

"We don't have your tacos here!" I crumbled it again and shoved it in my backpack. The teasing continued all class. Finally, the bell rang and it was time for lunch. Lunch is usually a nice break for me. I get to spend time with Finn, Robin and Gwenny, my three favorite people.

I walked out of class and towards the lunch tables. I headed over to the tree we usually sit at and sat down. Gwenny was already sitting down at the tree when I arrived. I scrambled through my backpack to find my lunch and I pulled out the crumbled piece of paper.

"What's that?" Gwenny asked. I handed her the note and watched her read it.

"Some girls in my class threw it at me. A tall blonde girl, and two short brunette's."

"It's probably Melissa Jessica and Amy. They're really mean. Just ignore them." She said, handing me the paper again.

"Im sure if you tell Robin-"

"I don't wanna tell Robin." I said.

"Why not?" Gwenny asked.

"I don't want him to think I can't handle it by myself."

"It's okay to need help sometimes Lina." Gwenny said. I ignored her and shoved the note back in my backpack. Robin and Finn walked over to us and sat down.

"There's the big fighter." Gwenny teased. Robin smiled proudly and took a seat next to me.

"Why'd you beat him up?" I asked.

"He was just talkin shit. I didn't think he'd actually swing, surprised me when he did." I noticed Robin's knuckles had been wrapped in white bandages. He must've been hitting Moose pretty hard.

Robin turned and smiled at me, handing me a red apple from our date. I took it, smiling back at him and taking a bite of the apple. Robin had actually taken out another apple from his lunch but this one was green.

"Werido." I said.

"Have you ever even tried green apples?" He asked. I stayed quiet but his my smile. I was in no place to judge green apples if I've never had one before. Robin scoffed and handed me his apple. I gave him mine and we both hesitantly but into the apples.


"I guess they're not terrible." I admitted. We traded back apples and finished our lunches.

"Red apples are still better." I said.

"Yeah right."

Hey guys, I'll be posting two parts today since this one's lowkey boring. Next ones better I promise

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