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"What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that they need to shut the fuck up. I don't feel sorry for what I did and I will NOT apologize."

"Watch your language young lady. We're calling your mother."

"Fine. Do it. But at least get me a fucking nurse or let me clean up."

I was sitting in the office fighting with the principal. I know I was being a bit rude to him but I had nothing to lose. My mom was already going to kill me. It pissed me off that they hadn't let me clean up. They weren't even concerned that I was violently bleeding from my face.

They let me get up and go to the nurses office. I walked through and sat down on a small table to get cleaned up. I could see Melissa, Jessica and Amy in there too. They looked pissed at me but they also looked like they were gonna cry. I smiled proudly. I wasn't lying when I said I'm not sorry.

They had it coming.

A nurse came over with a wet rag and started wiping blood off my face.

"You might need stitches kiddo." She said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Your skin is split open pretty bad. How did you do this?"

"Melissa smashed my face into the sink. But nobody cares because I hurt her worse than she hurt me." The nurse was actually really relaxed about the situation.

"What'd they do to you?" She asked. I winced from the stinging of the cuts on my face.

"She called me an illegal beaner and said to get out of her town." I said. The nurse shrugged and started wiping blood off my knuckles.

"Maybe they did deserve it." She winked at me and put a finger to her mouth, signaling for me to keep quiet that she said that.

"Ow!" I pulled my hand away from her.

"You're gonna have to go to the doctor hon. Your knuckles are definitely fractured." She handed me a mirror and I looked at my face.

"God I look like shit."I said. My eye was turning purple and black and the skin next to my eye was split open. My lip was cracked and bleeding and I'm very sure I broke my nose too. My whole face hurt but I wouldn't let it show.

The principal walked into the room with my mom. She stood glaring at me with her arms crossed. I walked back into the principal's office and sat down with my mom.

"Alina what has gotten into you? I did not bring you here to get into fights." I didn't say anything to my mom. I figured if I spoke things would get worse so instead, I just took the heat.

"She will be suspended for three days. We can't have her here if she's going to be a danger to the kids."

"Um hello? They started it! They literally cut me open a couple weeks ago." I pulled on my shirt to reveal the bandage that was still wrapped around my arm.

"Plus they called me a beaner. They were being extremely racist. Does that mean anything to you?" I stood up and yelled.

"That's a conversation for them. They will have their side of the punishment as well." The principal explained.

"I can't believe this." I crossed my arms angrily. I left the room and waited for my mom to come out so we could leave. I waited for about 20 minutes. She walked out and pulled me out of the chair.

"You're grounded. Get your ass in the car now." She dragged me out to the car. On the way home we stopped by the doctor so I could get properly fixed. We went home and my mom stormed inside the house. She was so angry with me.

"Qué demonios te pasa! I thought you were better than this."

"Please! You're no better than me!" I yelled. My mom stood for a second. I guess she was shocked that I spoke to her that way.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're never home momma! You're always drinking and out partying!" I yelled.

"I'm an adult."

"I'm so sick of hearing that from you. If you're the adult then why the hell am I always taking care of you? It should be the other way around!" I yelled. She walked over to me angrily and took her shoe off. She grabbed my arm to keep me in place and started smacking the shit out of me.

"You don't get to talk to me that way young lady." I managed to slip from her grip and I ran back to my room. My mom ran after me in an attempt to catch me.

"Alina! Open this door now!"

"You're the worst mother ever! I hate you!" I locked my door so she wouldn't get in. She was banging on the door and I covered my ears to block her out. I could feel myself start to cry but I tried to hold it back.

"You don't mean that." She said. She sounded sad now.

"I wish Gabby was still here. I wish you took her place." I yelled. Gabby was my little sister. I don't like to talk about her to people. Momma likes to keep it hidden from the world. She died before we moved.

"Alina. Honey, open the door." She was still banging on the door and jiggling the handle to try and get me to let her in. I wiped my eyes and stood up. I went over to my window and opened it, climbing out and running as fast as I could.

I ran to a nearby park. Anywhere that wasn't home would do. I sat down on the swings and kicked the wood chips on the ground. I wasn't planning on going home. It would start getting dark soon but I'd rather sleep here than under the same roof as my mom.

This was the first time in years I'd let myself cry. I wasn't crying because I was sad. I was angry.

His touch. (Robin Arellano fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now