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My alarm went of at 9am. I felt like banging it with a stick then boiling it in acid. I am not a morning person. I used to be though. I used to be one of those freaks that got up at 6 am to go jogging before school. At the time my mom and I didn't eat meat, flour, sugar or milk. Life was not good. But then after Christmas I just fell out. And man I am grateful, I where not living right.

I started the day with a coffee and a short shower actually. I did my makeup, and for clothing I went with black leather pants with a corset top. Damn my ass looked good in these. I was standing there looking at my ass when it knocked on the door. When I opened it I saw Reiko standing there. She was wearing jeans and a singlet with a cardigan over.

"You gonna let me in or not" she said shoving me aside. "So waffles" I said while heading to the kitchen. I had an entire suitcase full of just stuff like the waffle-iron, brown cheese and candy. Since I didn't know how long I would stay I just packed it to be sure. "You know what, I'm just gonna make a big batter and save what we don't eat" I said pouring in the milk and offering her some Norwegian chocolate. I used a family recipe and ten minutes later the first one was in the iron. When it was done I laid it on the plate next to the iron. "It's flat" she said. "I know, it's supposed to be that way. "And it's hearts" she said. "Every Norwegian iron is, Anyways if you think this is flat with till you see our pancakes" I said ripping it to hearts and covering it in the homemade jam. On one of the half I put brown cheese and I put the plate in front of her and went back to the counter.

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"Mmm, this is delicious, she moaned behind me

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"Mmm, this is delicious, she moaned behind me. "What is this?" she asked pointing at it. "Homemade jam and brown cheese baby" I said dumping down next to her. "Can you move it?" She asked. "The iron and and the batter?" I answered. "We are going to the garage" she said wrapping the cheese back in. "Now?" I looked at her. "of course now, let's make them there, I bet you Han would love them" she said smirking and raising her eyebrows to me. "Girl I don't know what you're talking about" I said batting my o so very innocent eyelashes to her. "He is a nice pice of man Jenny, but I wouldn't if I where you. Han is a player, we're talking two models on each hand" she said putting jam, cheese and brown cheese in a bag. "Then he's just my type" I said laughing. "You drive?" She asked. Well I do. I had a few police incidents especially when we where in la. "I do, I found a car yesterday that I think is going to be in my custody in a fire days" I said while Laing the iron in another bag. "What car?" She asked me. "Rx 8 with a sweet sweet veilside bodykit"

Han's POV
I sat in my garage enjoying the peace and quiet preparing a mustang for a new engine when the peace was broken by two girls falling in thru the garage door. Their loud laughing caught everyone's attention. Sean looked up and knocked over a tray of tools and Twinkie took a break from giving his car hair. Reiko and Jenny came stumbling into the garage with their hands full of plastic bags.

She was wearing tight leather pants that shaped her ass perfectly, she was also wearing a top that shoved her chest up. All he could think of was her in his bed, in he's sheets with himself over her. Damn when he got her there she wasn't leaving for a week, at least. Her hair was set up in a messy ponytail that exposed her perfect neck and shoulders. "We're using the kitchen" reiko yelled into my garage "you mean I am using the kitchen" Jenny laughed after her. The guys followed close behind them. When He got up to the second floor he could see Jenny leaning over his kitchen counter In those tight leather pants, it made him draw an extra breath sitting down on the table with a perfect view to the kitchen. "Yo wassup" Twinkie asked falling down on his couch. "Jenny's making these Norwegian waffle things, and I thought I would share the experience with you guys» Reiko said obviously searching for Earl. "They are good and flat and weird, but they taste like heaven" she exhaled.

Jenny turned around, grabbing one of the plastic bags on the floor. She started walking towards me. "Morning diabetes" she said eyes locked in mine. "Morning babe" I said back earning an eye roll from her. "I have something for you" she said walking towards the table I was currently sitting on. She stopped in front of me and handed me the bag. "Some Norwegian sweets to help you on your mission to becoming a diabetic" she said smirking. Taking the bag I made sure to touch her hand for a extra second. It surprised me that I didn't have a big effect on her, usually I have girls falling into my bed without any effort. This was going to be exciting. She turned around and walked back to the kitchen counter giving me the perfect view to her ass walking away. That wasn't my normal type of woman. She wasn't a model or anything like that. And the amount of time she spent in his head was scaring him. He needed to get her out of his system. Fast.

Jenny's POV
After giving Han the bag I started to steak waffles. Reiko where emptying the other bags filled with cheese and jam and other food that's good with waffles. 10 minutes later Reiko was serving waffles to the rest of the gang, this girl named Neela came to see Sean, she likes Sean and Sean likes her but apparently they can't be together. It seemed like everyone liked my waffles, they where sceptical at first, apparently they looked weird. "Where's Han" I asked out loud without thinking. This got everyone's attention. I didn't even notice him leaving. "Han?" Neela said looking at Sean smirking. I could feel the redness spreading across my cheeks, man I'm glad I wore foundation or else I would look like the bottoms of a pair louboutin heels. "Think his in his office" Twinkie answered with his mouth full of waffles and brown cheese. Just then I got a text from the people selling me the rx8, the car was mine and I could come pick it up and sign the papers tomorrow.

"Where is it?" I asked out loud pretending like nothing. "In the hall to the right, third door to the left" Earl said putting his arm around Reiko who looked like a lovesick little girl. I grabbed a plate and stacked it with three waffle's and started walking towards he's office. I have no fucking clue what door is what so I'm trying my luck. "Behind door number one" I mumbled to myself and opened the door "Storage, aaaand door number two.." I turned to the wall on the other side "A bedroom" could it be Han's?. It was dark and hard to see, but it smelled like him. When I opened the door the smell of him had hit me like a brick wall. It made my knees weak. Damn I wanted to snoop, but does it ever go well in movies and shows, no it does not. He probably had a collection of model panties or something like that. So I walked away, taking one last long sniff of Han air and continued walking.

The next door I opened seemed to be right. Han was sitting in a small room with grey walls next to a desk. The walls where covered in shelf's and a filing cabinet stood in one of the corners. The grey shirt he was wearing showed of his sculptured mussels perfectly. Damn that man was fine. He was leaning over the desk in his own world. I straightened my back and lifted my chin, when I walked towards him I made sure to really put them hips to work. He turned around looking surprised to see me. I could se his eyes taking in my whole figure as his eyes traveled along by body, I knew these pants where a good choice. I sat down crossing my feet on top of the corner on his desk setting the plate down in front of him. Then i stretched back at took the hair tie out of my hair letting it fall down to my waist. "Waffles" I said looking at the man looking up at me. He leaned back in he's chair looking at me even harder. He got up leaning against me, "bet they taste good as your ass look in those pants" he said standing so close that I could feel his warm breath in my face. "Oh they do" I whispered back. He placed one hand on each side on the desk I sat on.

He leaned in closer. All I could think of was kissing him, feeling his warm lips on mine. Imagining my hands around his neck tangled in his black hair. But I couldn't give in that easy, I'm not one of his models falling for his feet, although I enjoy a good time, and with him it would be a great time even. But teasing him won't hurt right. I mean, what do they say, don't hate the player hate the game. I'm not here for boys anyways, I'm here for my brother. I leant towards him, but when he was about to kiss me I turned my face to the side of his head, "enjoy" I said slipping out underneath his arm leaving the room and heading back to the others. I could sense my mischievous smile spreading across my face. Today was a good day.

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