Basilisks and Gertrud

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I'm baaaack. I am finally fucking back. Let me tell you people I have a damn good fucking reason for being gone a year. My turd ass looking boyfriend decided that he needed to fuck a skanky ass junkie whore, then when I tried to break up, he tried to fucking kill me. Like fr fr. Then I spent over a fucking month talking to wattpad support. They can shove their support right up their fucking asshole. But court case closed. Mans no longer an issue. Got him beaten up real nice. Would not recommend being with a ratty ass trashbag to any of you. But hey, im back again. And hopefully for good this time babes.

Jenny's POV
Filip was already out of the car door yelling at me. He had managed to weasel his way out of his seat while me and Han were umm, having a nice little friendly discussion. Both me and Han snapped towards the sound, his hand never leaving my face. It lingered there burning through my skin, reminding me of our eventful night together. My brother stopped for a second before he took in the scene acting out in front of him, his eyes widening as he begun to puzzle the pieces together. He looked at me, then he looked at Han before he eventually set his eyes back on mine. He ended the entire act with a cocked brow towards me. He was looking at me with that look that's only traceable on stereotypical gay people and brothers. "Ooooo, Jennyyyy". Han's hand immediately removed itself from my face, a red colour creeped through his cheeks, but the damage was already done. Fuuuuuck. I do not have the excess energy for his high school-boymind. He was a child. And once he got a whiff of something, he was like an unstoppable bloodhound. This is what we in Norway would call "selvmordsmateriale" otherwise known as suicide material.

One thing you should know about my brother is the biggest gossip that has ever been birthed to this earth. Me and my grandma agreed that the only reason god had let him survive his first round with cancer was that god himself would have to blow his fucking brains out after a day or two. He gossips more than old people playing mahjong together, and that's unbelievable fucking bad. "yes, Filip" i answered, pinching my nose bridge. "is this where you've been instead of spending time with me? Your poor brother, alone in a foreign country". My brother was just thriving now. His pleased smile was plastered over his pale face. I couldn't help but mess back with him. This was a game that the both of us could play. "you know i finished school years ago dumbass", he looked pleased with my answer, and the game was on. "well you're still in law school though, right?". Han's brows peaked so high that i almost thought they would disappear in that gorgeous thick silky soft dark hair of his. "oh; you didn't you little spawn of Satan". He knows that im not about bragging my ass of the fact that I attend lawschool. So many stupid people asking stupid people questions. I gathered my hair in a ponytail and looked back up to Han's face.
Han looked to be in some stage of shockindused freezing. His brows were so high up that they must threaten mans brains. Fillip just laughed. I cleared my throat and grabbed baby satan himself by the shoulder. "Han, this is my brother, Fillip, Fillip this is Han my, um my. Eeeeeh. My garage friend?" I stated, the last bit almost sounding like a question.

"kunn en garasje vænn ja"
Only a garge friend yeah

"fortell mæ Jenny, ka e get kun en garasjevenn førnåkka, trur aldri æ har hørt om d før"
Pleas enlighten me, what exactly is "a garage friend", I don't ever think i've ever heard that term.

"du får gå tilbake t sjukhuset"
You will soon be walking your ass back to the hospital

Han was no longer looking like those hogwardskids made to stone by the Basilisk in harry potter so that was a good sign, I guess. His brown eyes met mine and the look of sorrow begun to melt of his soft and annoyingly chiselled face. "I own the garage your sister has been staying in lately", Han said looking directly at my brother. "thank god, I told her that apartment was a dump" he answered way to seriously for my liking. My grey, sad and depressing apartment containing the nasty ass couch with horrifying stains and smells was not that bad. I had concluded with the fact that my sofa had to be fucking possessed. It had to be housing some sort of ancient relic housing some diamond waiting for his next victim. I also baptised her to Gertrud. Han's eyes shifted back to me again and he cocked his brow at me. "its not that bad, stop overreacting" I said rolling my eyes. I tightened my ponytail and popped another pink gum im my mouth giving both men the stink eye. "søta, your fucking couch is on the verge of speaking for gods sake" Fillip said looking more at Han then me. That little fucking weasel. Once he got to beating that stupid fucking cancer out of his body again, I was going to beat him up real good. Then suddenly Han begun laughing.

Han's POV
I couldn't help the laugh erupting from my chest. Jenny had been talking about that couch and apartment while being so drunk that my hands on her waist was the only thing keeping her from falling off her feet. I looked down at the woman standing besides me. Her cheeks slightly red assumingly from the situation with her brother but also her apartment. It couldn't really be that bad, could it? Right there I decided that before she slept anther night there, I would check it out. I could always get her an apartment or a penthouse somewhere, but the idea of waking up next to her warm and perfect body in my bed, my shirt and my arms were somewhat much more appealing. Jenny was wearing a pair of grey yoga pants and a white cotton sweater with a few buttons undone. Her log silky hair where in a ponytail exposing both her neck and her collarbones. Then I noticed something I hadn't noticed before. That could not be possible. I had seen her naked two times now, and her usual outfits didn't exactly leave out too much to a mans imagination. I had kissed her on her chest, jaw, shoulders, collarbones and breasts without noticing.
It could simply not be possible.

On Jenny's wright chest, shoulder and collarbone a tattoo where poking out of her shirt. It looked to be a pair of feet and something looking almost like a feather. Without even thinking I placed my finger on the exposed piece of coloured skin. This girl really continued to surprise. "what?" her brother Fillip asked. "you have a tattoo?" I asked her feeling my lips dragging towards a small smirk. "she don't have that many, just a few" Fillip said as his phone suddenly started ringing.  "Its grandma" he said towards Jenny and turned around walking the opposite direction. "what2 the gorgeous woman infront of me asked crossing her arms popping another pink bubble. "why have I not noticed that before?" I asked her, dragging the sweater past her shoulder exposing her tattoo fully. It was a simple tattoo consisting of clean linework. Two baby angels were displayed meeting at the fingertips right under her collarbone. "I guess your not really looking at me diabetes" she said taking a step towards me minimizing the distance between us. "Oh baby I've looked at you I can promise that" I whispered In her ear letting my arm sneak around her waist. "Maybe your just used to your girls being cylinder shaped and in copy paste stile". She was whispering back in my air grabbing my bicep, making me flex it. I could feel my dick harden and my mind going back to me fucking her and her begging for more, what the fuck was this woman doing to me.

I let my hand slide further down her waist reaching the edge of the fold on her pants. My hand was almost on her ass now. I could feel her breathing becoming heavier and the effect I had on her only turned me more on. The sight of Morimoto and his knife ready to stab her had made me angrier than I had ever in my life been before. I had pulled my gun on him. Not only that but I had pulled it in front of the kids. I grabbed her chin with my other arm forcing her eyes to meet mine. I've always loved the effect I had on women, but this was something else. Just knowing that I turned her on turned me on. "your brother said you had a few" I said scanning her over. This time she grabbed my face and pulled me so close that her lips were touching my cheek. "I guess you'll have to find them".

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