Corset from hell

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Jenny's POV
I let my hand slide down to his shoulders. My heart was beating out of my chest and Han was letting the hand he had resting on my hip slide down towards my ass. As I tried taking a step closer to him I lost balance, oh no. I stumbled backwards and into the railing before Han grabbed my shoulders and pulled my back into an standing position. Then I started laughing. I could couldn't help it. As I stood there laughing I began to stumble again and Han tightened his grip on me. "Jenny, are you drunk?" He suddenly asked, with a pretty annoying undertone. "What drunk?" I managed to slur while laughing. "How much did you drink?" He continued. "Ikke nok i det heletatt" (not enough at all) I said as I felt a sudden sadness draping over me. "What?" He asked. "I said that I have not had enough at all to drink" I raised my chin and looked him straight in the eyes. "Nei nei nei, Æ glemte posen min, hælvete. Nu må Æ faen gå å hent jævelskapet" (no no no, I forgot my bag, hell. Now I have to go get the bastardy) I tried to begin walking, but a pair of strong hands held me back. "Jenny, what is all this" Han suddenly asked with a stern serious voice. And then I could couldn't hold it together anymore. Most people in my position would begin to cry, but I just laughed more. "Han, my life is a fucking shitshow" he looked at me. "What?" Stupid fucker, his like 50% of the reason why i am standing here drunk. "My life sucks" that was the truth. "Jenny..". "No, you don't even know how much it sucks" i said. "And my brother is sick" i mumbled to myself.

I would be alone, if things ended badly I would be all alone. That was the sad truth. I don't have any contact with my dad, my great grandma was getting scary old and my grandma was taking care of her. Me and my mother had always been close, but this had destroyed her. She was now only an empty shell of herself, a painful reminder of what she once used to be. My stepdad lived for his job, and all I had was school. I studied in another city than my family live in so I rarely see them anymore at all. I'm actually in law-school, something that surprises almost everyone I meet. I have multiple siblings, but it's always been me and Filip. I don't have anything more left. Damn my life is depressing. And my boyfriend couldn't handle the fact that I wasn't a pink helpless girl and he cheated a total of 5 times the 11 months we was together. We actually ended it only like a month and a half before i sat my ass alone on a plain to Tokyo. So when I say my life sucks I actually really mean it. "And my couch has a scary smell, and some very horrific stains that can give any man nightmares" i mumbled to Han as I planted my forehead on his chest.  "your couch?" He was laughing now, but he was still mad. "So now I am going to go and get my bag and I will walk home, get my steps in you know" I said trying to walk towards the door back to the club. I didn't get very far before stumbling again. "Just one last drink" I mumbled, as I begun humming on a Norwegian Russesang.

As i took my first stumbling steps Han grabbed my arm. "No, you've had enough for the night" he mumbled as he pulled me closer towards him. I was now looking directly in to his chocolate brown eyes and his black straight hair where covering his forehead. I couldn't help myself. I took a stumbling step closer and placed my hands on both sides of his head. We stood like that for a moment. Just taking inn every single detail of each other. Then neither of us could hold back anything anymore. Our lips chorused together and his surprisingly large very hot veiny hands were wrapped tightly around my waist. I let my right hand slide up his neck allowing me to grab his hair. His hand slid further down towards my ass for every second that went by. When they reached my ass he gave both my thighs a squeeze signalising that I had to jump. He never broke the kiss ass he slammed my back into the wall. I slid my left hand down tugging on his shirt, signalising that I wanted it off. But then he froze. "No Jenny, not like this" he said still not letting me down to the floor. "What? I do not really quite understand you" I managed to slure out, suddenly forgetting all knowledge of English that I had managed to pack in to my skull. "It's time for you to call it a night" he said while he slowly put me down again. "And who are you to decide that" I couldn't really describe it, but I felt my entire body being filled with rage. "Jenny.." Han said. I turned around and crossed my arms. Stupid boy, and stupid Jenny. No. Bad Jenny. "I am an adult Han, if i want i can do whatever the fuck i want" i said all of this while stabbing him in the chest with my finger. "this is not up for discussion" he said while taking a step closer to me, looking down at me, never breaking eye contact. I just rolled my eyes before turning around continuing humming on "domen".

Han's POV
Jenny didn't break eye contact at first. She just rolled her eyes at me. Then she turned around walking towards the club part of the garage. Hell to the no. She was not going anywhere in this condition. Going like this she would be an easy victim for like, everyone. No way that i was letting her go anywhere like this. But damn this woman could drink. I had been observing her from the V.I.P lounge since she came. She had brought her own plastic bag filled with booze. Tonight she was drinking to get drunk. She had just sat at the corner of the bar alone. I assumed that most of the "liquors" where Norwegian, and god knows they were known for drinking. He suddenly got a vague memory of Dom telling him about this young Norwegian girl he had met in LA. He said that he had never in his life seen someone drink like that. And i assumed that jenny was drinking straight up Sprit. She was currently stumbling towards the stairs. Not happening. I walked up behind her and grabbed her wrist. She turned around, and i was met with the angriest set of eyes i have ever seen in my entire life. It sent goosebumps down my spine. "i said it's not happening" she opened her mouth to protest, but before she got the chance to, i picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "mmm, you smell good" she said as she fell limp on my shoulder.

I opened the door to my bedroom and sat her on the bedside. I got on my knees and removed her red shoes. She sighed and grabbed my attention. "what baby?" i asked her. "this dress is very stupid, agh, it's like a corset" i laughed at her voice filled to the brim with pain. " a corset from hell" the woman stated "or I'm just fat" she moaned laying her hands on her stomach. "you are not fat". I got up and walked towards my closet and pulled out one of my grey t-shirts and gave it to her. "i need help opening the corset" she said falling back on the bed. "well, then you need to get up again". I dragged her up into a sitting position. She bended forwards, something that allowed me to drag down the sipper to her dress. She got up and wiggled her way out of it. Damn this was a cruel world. Look but don't touch. These where the words i was currently repeating in my head. She was wearing red lace lingerie. I could feel my heart raising and my pants tightening. I dragged my grey shirt over her head. Her hair was a mess. I took a step back and looked at her. This was possibly the cutest thing i had ever seen in my entire life. Her, on my bed, in my shirt, smelling like me with her hair absolutely everywhere. It was at this moment i decided that one day i would bring this woman to my house. I mostly live in the garage, but i do own a house. "this shirt smells good to" she suddenly said as she laid down. I pulled the blanket over her body and she sighed again before she looked to be asleep. Well that went fast. I folder her dress over the chair in the corner. I stopped and looked at her one last time before leaving the room. She looked completely peaceful, laying there in his bed. He left the room grinning from ear to ear.

"Hiroto" i said to my faithful bartender walking in through the garage door. I had noticed that Hiroto and Jenny had seemed to have connected the two times they've met. I have to admit that my pride was a little bit hurt and i sensed a slight jealous feeling thinking about the two of them together. "Han, what can i get you today?" the man behind the bar asked me. "a corona" i answered leaning down on the bardisk. He popped the lid of before sliding the bottle my way and leaning down on the other side. I grabbed a white plastic bag standing in the corner of the desk. It said out the words "vinmonopolet" so i guessed this was the bag Jenny had left behind. It was full of all kinds of bottles, half of them empty. Goddamn this girl drank. "all she asked for was a glass, with no ice cubes. Emphases on the word no" Hiroto said laughingly. "i am not surprised" i took a long sip of my corona and lifted one of the empty bottles nest to the bag. "i have never seen a girl drink like that before, in addition she came behind the bardisk two days ago and thought me have to make a negroni properly" "yeah, yeah i saw that" i took another sip, that was i night i wasn't planning on forgetting anytime soon.

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