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I think to myself what in the hell did I just agree to , to late to turn back now . part of me wants to run away but she knows that deep down I wanna stay . And I do . I finally have enough courage to ask "before we go any further what is your name ?" she smiles and says " my names Bonnie " lawwwwd even her name is sexy . "I already know your name it's Marie" . Marie walk over to the bed and lay down . I do exactly that. She walks over behind me and puts a blind fold on me I didn't ask why either . She tied my Arms and legs to the bed I didn't even bother to put up a fight . "Do You Trust Me "she says to me . I answered "yes I do ". She then moves something soft down my stomach that tickles me and makes me laughs and she says "ah ah not a word " . I immediately hold in the laughter . She drips something cold onto my stomach idk what it is but it felt good the next thing I felt was her soft lips caressing my stomach. Idk what was worse the fact that I cant move or the fact that I can't let out a moan it just felt so amazing. Next I felt her tongue move it's way down to my pussy the tension in my body got tighter I'm breathing heavier then ever biting my lip and waiting for her to devour my pussy with her good flow . But I spoke to soon the room got quite and I heard stuff moving I got a bit nervous but I didn't say a word . I had a door open. OH MY WORD TF IS GOING ON I can't move and I'm afraid to speak man I knew I should have left .
-Marie ?
-who is that ?
-it's me Sierra , girl tf you got going on , we gotta go now . She says to me as she removes the ropes and blind fold .
-where is Bonnie?
-I didn't see anyone leave marie
-that bitch left me here in my got damn birthday suit , titties hanging . Ughhhh I knew I should have left her ass alone .
-Marie hush follow me
Idk wtf is going on .I followed Sierra and we headed down the back way cops were in the front and luckily Sierra knew her way around the we're shutting down PARADISE . Even though it was supposed to be an old abandoned building . Thanks to Sierra our car was parked at a restaurant .

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