just another normal day

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I woke up with a start.

I began gasping for air as I tried to catch my breath, it happened again. 

Its happened almost every night since my 17th birthday, the same place, the same pain, the same people... the same nightmare. I don't know what it means but I'm hoping to  find some comfort in my best friend, god knows I need it right now. 

There was no one else I could talk to, not my parents or my brother, or even my other friends, only him, he would understand.

Crawling out of bed I decide to shower and brush my teeth, pulling out an outfit that consisted of my favourite jacket, denim jeans, jumper and trainers, it was quite bright but I don't care, I like to stand out. (image above^).

I walk back into my room in my towel ready to dry my hair and get dressed when I begin to feel uneasy, like someone is watching me, it always feels like that nowadays, I live in a constant state of paranoia, always thinking that someone is watching me, that they are out to get me for whatever reason. Steve just calls me crazy, but with everything that happened last year can you really blame me? after the whole mind flayer and Billy situation I've been really on edge.

I walk over to my window, looking down to the streets to find nothing there, but the feeling sticks, 'there is someone out there... something, watching me'. 

I shake out of my thoughts and close the curtains to get ready, pulling out my hairdryer and combing through my tangled wet hair, I sigh in frustration. Today is gonna be a long day.


After a good 20 minute drive I arrive at the Harrington residence, it looks a lot sadder than usual, well sure I mean steves parents are never home so it always kind of looks bare but he usually has something going on at home, whether he's watching a movie with the sound up or playing music really loud he always makes the house seam alive, but today its grey. 

checking myself once more in the mirror and climbing out of my car I find that his bedroom curtains are still closed, is he still sleeping?, maybe he's with someone... maybe he's with her. i shouldn't go in there, I really shouldn't, he could be busy doing... things.

But I knock anyway.

If I'm being completely honest I don't care if I'm ruining a moment between him and his girlfriend, aka my OTHER best friend, they had been together for a few years now and it still annoys me, he picked her over me, of course he didn't know I was even an option because I've never actually told him I liked him but still!, he always picks her... I mean I cant blame him, why wouldn't he... why wouldn't anyone, she's perfect, she's beautiful and smart and talented and just amazing at everything, she can do whatever she sets her mind to and I cant even hate her, she's just too nice, too friendly, she hangs out with me for petes sake! does she even realise that she's the perfect girl? that I would give anything to be her?.

I knock on his door for the second time.

no answer.

I knock on his door for the third time.

no answer.

I knock on his door for the fourth time-

"what! what is it?- oh sage, its you..." he looks like shit. he looks tired... shit maybe I did wake him up.

"hi yeah hah its me" it say quickly whilst waving my hands around awkwardly. oh god what am I doing? why did I do that?.

"yeah uh, what are you doing here?" he questions tiredly rubbing his eyes, oh no should I not have come here? he looks annoyed and tired and- oh shit what if I did interrupt something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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