Strange New Worlds

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I woke up in a soft bed and warm room thinking everything was just another dream. I opened my eyes hoping to see my room, but this was not the case. The ceiling was low and unfamiliar and I was covered with an itchy blanket. The warmth and only light was coming from a small fireplace near the foot of the bed.

I felt a little dizzy and could hear the soft crackle of the fire as I looked around at the unfamiliar dancing shadows. It was making me afraid until I saw him. Weller was leaning against the wall next to the door with his eyes closed. Seeing him was like getting a huge dose of sedatives. He wasn't a dream after all.

"Asleep at your post?" I asked softly. My voice came out scratchy and my throat felt like I swallowed a cactus.

I knew he wasn't sleeping. I watched enough movies to know the hero was never really deep in slumber when he was supposed to be guarding someone.

"No, Lady Priestess," he replied. He looked at me with a soft expression. His eyes twinkled in the firelight. "Only resting my eyes for a moment. Jor Wynewood will be in shortly to take his shift."


I blushed. Somehow I had acquired an intense and immediate trust and love for this man. I began to fidget with my hands.

"You both go by a name called jor. Is that like a knight or something?"

His lips widened and he exhaled through his nose.

"A jor is the title given to a proven fighter for the priestess. All jor are born of noble blood and trained by only the most skilled fighters. Out of all the candidates, only the strongest two are chosen to protect the priestess. The others serve as generals in the king's army."

I nodded and looked around some more trying to get some kind of sense of where I was. I heard water rippling faintly in the distance, a few crickets chirping, and I think I heard an owl. The room was made of large wooden logs that looked slightly warped or rotting. It could've just been the way the fire lit the room, though.

I suppose the look on my face was one of fear or worry because Weller's expression changed.

"Are you still ill, Lady Priestess?" he asked.

He was suddenly next to my bed kneeling beside me. His speed caused me to jump for a moment, but his scent was so intoxicating that I found myself leaning into him. If he moved this fast just because I looked worried, I imagined he would be even faster if I was in real danger. I wished he were closer to my age. He was so caring and attentive, more so than any guy in my class. He would treat me like a lady, not like that weird girl in school. Just my luck, I'd be the only heroine who doesn't get the brave and sexy love interest character.

"No, Jor Lorgan. I'm okay. I just don't have any clue what's going on here." I tried to clear my throat. "Why are you so devoted to me? Where am I? What's going on? Why do you keep calling me your priestess?"

His smile instantly calmed my nerves. "Because you are the Lady Priestess." He reached over to the cup on the table by the bed and handed it to me. "You are currently located in the small village of Lod. It is very close to the capital where we will be taking you."

"Capital?" I repeated like a parrot. I took a sip of the cool water. Swallowing hurt at first, but eventually, my throat and mouth were grateful for the moisture.

"The capital city of Endarys is called Aldavia."


"Endarys is made up of four small islands and island groups all connected to a larger landmass by bridges. The only image I can give you is that of the pendant around your neck."

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