A New Friend

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We stopped in the middle of a giant stone hall lit with fire torches on the tall pillars. The man finally put me down and a group of people came over to gawk at me. It was just like the first time back with Essan. The people gathered around and then bowed in peasant pose. It looked uncomfortable.

When the man had released me, I ran to Weller and hid behind him.

"Are you all right, Lady Priestess?" Weller asked.

I gave him a nod, not that he could see it. I pushed my body against his back trying to hide.

"There is no need to be afraid, Lady Priestess," said the man. His accent placed him somewhere near Weller's neck of Endarys. "This hall is heavily guarded and very well hidden from all who would cause you harm."

He bent at the waist in an introductory bow which I understood to mean he had some sort of rank. He was tall and very lean. It made me feel even smaller knowing someone so scrawny looking could hold me so securely. His eyes were almost as dark as his hair. If I wasn't still a little scared I would've thought him to be kinda cute in that model sort of way.

"We have been watching you from the shadows since we heard of your arrival. We are fighters for The Overseers."

"Fighters for The Overseers?" I asked in a slight return of my parrot complex.

"So it has come to this," said Weller. "They are a coalition designed to enforce The Overseers teachings and grand design."

"Sounds a little extreme."

"There have been many changes since the death of the last priestess," said the man. "The people stopped believing we would prevail over this cycle and have grown violent and afraid. We cannot afford another failure."

Lorne's deep tones reached my ears from beside me. "So Lord Breen took that opportunity to turn the people's fear and doubt against the prophecies of The Overseers by using stories of things they feared most." I turned to see him smiling down at me.

"Lorne!" I jumped up to hold him around his neck. My feet dangled off the ground and I hung off him like a human-sized necklace.

"I told you he could take care of himself," said the man.

"Are you injured, Cricket?" Lorne asked.

"Nope," I smiled at him.

"Good," he said.

He let me hug him until I was satisfied. I got the suspicion that Weller was getting jealous.

"I apologize for my rude behavior," said the man. "I am Lord Elias Duray and these are my associates Lord Evan Raine and Lord Walker Fidel."

They bowed low to me but not like the peasant pose. Just a dip at the waist with their left knee on the ground and right arm crossed over the chest.

"As fighters for The Overseers, we also serve you, Lady Priestess," said Elias.

I hated the sound of Lady Priestess.

"You should not bow to such a person," called the voice of a young woman.

"Raven!" said Elias. "I cannot believe this behavior. You are also a fighter for The Overseers."

"Doesn't mean I think this girl is the true priestess."

A beautiful young woman around my age walked into view. She had long black hair and was wearing a strange outfit for a girl in this world. She had on what looked like black leggings, a brown leather skirt with a wide belt and gold findings, and a form-fitting black shirt with a brown leather vest over it. She flicked her hair at me as she passed by. Her deep green eyes held such an intense hatred towards me that I felt uncomfortable, but I was envious of the fact that she could wear something so cute and functional and I had to wear some crazy long dress made with so much fabric it might as well have doubled my weight.

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