16: THEN

128 13 5

seven years ago


I knew the look on that face. It scared me a bit, because for the whole drive up, I had been anticipating it. My mom had this hard look in her eyes, brows a bit furrowed and lips a bit pursed. She had just dyed her hair a dark black, and it looked amazing on her, but it also made her ten times scarier.

"Yes, mom?" I batted my innocent eyes at her, hoping I could avoid this talk.

My mom sighed from the drivers seat where she held onto the wheel for life like I'd change my mind about staying at Camp Eden for another year. It was crazy, how two years ago, I wanted nothing to do with this camp, and now here I was, sixteen years old, just itching to get out of the car so I could have my way with nature.

"About Jungkook..." she trailed off.

Confused, I raised a brow at her.

"I just want you to be safe." She had lamely shrugged like I would understand where she was going with her words. Like I was some expert mindreader.

And it wasn't until she sighed again, reached into the back seat for something, and handed me whatever she grabbed, that I was completely and utterly mortified.

I had thought she was going to give me a talk about how I have to be responsible at camp and how I have to write to her nearly every day.

I had never, ever expected my mother to hand me a condom.

"What the hell?!" I threw it back at her, my face contorting with disgust.

"Skye!" she scolded, picking the condom back up. "This is serious. You don't want to have unprotected sex. Take the condom. Take it."

"Mom!" I was burning red. I was mortified. "I'm not—Jungkook's not—Ugh! I'm leaving."

"Skyeeee!" she had dragged out, clinging onto my jacket and pulling me back into the car. "Take the damn condom. I do not want my sixteen year old daughter to come back from camp with STD's, okay? Or worse, knocked up."

I buried my face in my hands, defeated as I let my mom stuff the condom into my jacket pocket. "You're the worst," I muttered.

"I'm just being safe!"

"I'm not going to have sex!"

"You never know! You've been emailing Jungkook all year. I wouldn't be surprised."

"We're just friends!"

"Oh, is that why you blush and kick me out of the room every time he calls?"

I groaned. "Bye, mom."

When my mom finally allowed me to leave, I had dropped my things off at my cabin and then made my way over to the pier. That time, I had beat Jungkook there.

A small part of me was afraid he wouldn't come to Camp Eden this year. He had been a little off in his recent emails, saying he was busy or telling me he'd call me later and never ending up doing so.

But I knew life back home wasn't the greatest for Jungkook, so I never got angry or impatient because of it.

And I remember when we were fifteen, when he had shared that part of his life with me, how I begged him to come stay with me and my mom for the school year. Told him he could sleep in my bed and go to my school and watch tv shows every Friday night with me and my mom.

But Jungkook had given me a sad smile and said he wished he could. Wished. Because he would never be able to.

But I was only young, and I guess I didn't know any better. This was reality. I shouldn't have suggested something so out of a fairytale.

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