Chapter 6: Donna

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Tevyats national school also known as Teyvat academy known for its smart students ands teachers. Well that's what most people think. This school couldn't be less serious than it already is. There are students who get into detention for singing. Some host big random events. The student council barely has work. And lastly the principal is the only actual teacher in the school, since the librarian Lisa minci is a student who works part time she isin't actually counted as a teacher and she's to lazy to even be one. If anything this school is like a daycare in Zhonglis house that looks like a school filled with lots of random drama, confessions, fights and more.

It happened to be a new rumor in the school that if you confessed to someone with a special flower in your hair they will 100% accept your confession without hesitation. Donna had heard of this and saw it as her shot of confessing to Diluc and that was the reason she asked Noelle for help, to write notes of how she'll say it.

So my day started off with Noelle giving me the paper and doing my make up as the kind person she is. Then while going into the bathroom I happened to hear even more people talk about the new rumor which gave me hope to confess.

"It sound promising but I'm not trying until someone else does it..successfully." Xingqiu said outside the male bathrooms.

"But promise me you'll actually confess soon I mean honestly you can't wait forever." Yelan said while smirking.

I wonder who they were talking about, now I continued toward the bathroom and when I was done I left and what I saw was quite terrifying. It was the new girl I think it was Kusanali or something standing looking terrified.

"Are you okay?" Donna asked curiously.


"Oh maybe it was a joke or som-" Donna continued but quickly got interrupted.


But before Donna could speak Sangonomiya Kokomi came and dragged her away. Because In the distance a running Keqing could be seen screaming "RULE BROKEN NUMBER 95 DISRESPECTING THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL TO THIS YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY GET TAKEN TO JA- I MEAN THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE." Keqing said while running.

"Don't worry I'll make sure Jean takes care of you. Keqing is just in a bad mood because someone stole her Zhongli plushie. Didn't even know those existed haha." Kokomi said while holding Kusanalis hand gently.

While not so far I saw Zhongli. I think he whispered something like. "These kids should get a reality show." I'm more concerned about the Zhongli plushie. I mean where can I buy those but maybe Dilucs? You never know.

Now the day was almost over and after practicing my lines I was finally ready. I had made my hair asked Lisa for romance novels, Jean for courage tips, Yoimiya for cute dates and after all that I was ready. Earlier this day I had sent a love letter to Diluc. I put it in his locker and I hope he- no he did see it. I mean we had been best friends for such a long time now. Wait no or maybe, honestly whenever I think of him my mind goes crazy.

I rushed to the tree where I saw Diluc checking his clock gently of course. And when I came I just said hi. And before I knew a huge crowd was there. They were watching to see if the myth was real.

"Hello? I have some stuff to do so please say whatever you want quickly." The hot crimson haired boy said to me.

I was about to faint but was able to say:
"I can't hold this anymore I mean, uhh. OKAY I WILL SAY IT I.. I LIKE YOU" I shouted bravely while blushing just as red as his beautiful hair.

"Who are you even?" Diluc said.

I could feel despair I could feel inner pain. The time of life where you question your excuse. Like when standing in a boat and jumping down because you were in Australia and saw a crocodile on the boat and then a whale in the water or when you have a group of friends in your house but then one of them goes outside and builds Barbies dream house but you can't enter. Maybe that was off topic but it's the same pain! I was on the ground on my knees, he didn't even say no. Was I sad, was I happy I tried probably not. I was empty I was done, all my- Noelles work for a despair full rejection. I couldn't focus I felt sad like the world was ending or as if I couldn't enter Barbies house.

The last thing I heard before fainting was the crowd they sounded shocked. But it didn't matter.

no actual pov for now

Rumors were spreading and this myth was immediately seen as a lie. Now the next day when Donna came back Noelle noticed she had ruined her hair dyed it black and wrote on her shirt "don't talk to me I don't need friends."

This is a phase that happens to many when they feel like it or are actually sad but in Donnas case she wanted to write a love song and knew she had to had gone through a sad phase but she actually forced it.

Meanwhile Diluc was getting constant questions but seemed to just be confused by it all. Donna wasn't actually sad she was happy that he even showed up but decided that maybe if she could show how it affected her, he would maybe just maybe regret his choice.

She hadn't moved on at all

Tysmmm for reading this chapter sorry if it took so long I'm working with my oneshot book too while not having all that much free time but I still have time to write. Anyways I still take requests for both of the books if you want a chapter dedicated for a certain character/ship.

But for now stay safe and bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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