"Sorry, I know I can talk a lot."

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Anne was sitting in class, bored out of her mind. Marcy, Sasha and Anne did sit together, but the teacher in this class absolutely sucked.

"Okay class I'll be assigning partners, so grab your notebook, and your pencil, and get ready to move." The teacher said and started calling out names. "~~~~ and ~~~~, ~~~~ and ~~~, Sasha and Marcy, ~~~~ and ~~~~, ~~~~ and ~~~~, Y/n and Anne, ~~~and ~~~~, and lastly ~~~~and ~~~~~."

Anne doesn't seem to know who you were, so she looked around to look for who her partner would be. You, were walking over to her table.

"Are you Anne?" You ask nervously.

"Uhh, yeah! Your Y/n?" She asks you, you nod.

You sit down next to her, and start to get to work. Half way through the project, somebody walks up to you.

"Hey, Y/n? Your still coming to green team today right?" They ask you.

"Hm? Oh! yeah! Of course I am! I'm also coming in for lunch today to water, so if you wanna join me you can." You say to the person.

"Okay, thanks." They say and walk away.

"What was that about?" Anne asks you.

"Oh uhm. It's just an environmental club for the school. I'm the president." You say, shyly. "Basically what we do is make our school look much better, by cleaning, growing plants, and making sure people throw the trash in the right place."

"Oh, that's really cool." Anne says.

"I know it sound bad but- wait- you think it's cool! That means so much! people always think that the idea is useless, and dumb but I always try to make them think it's a lot more useful thank they think! Do you wanna come to our club meeting? I could show you what we do! Theres this new plant were adding to our garden! It's drought resistant, AND it's native to California, so they don't need a lot of water, which would help a lot to saving water!" You say, ranting about your plants.

Anne looks at you and tilts her head a little bit.

"Sorry, I know I can talk a lot." You say, and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.

"No no, it's fine, I think your cute...." There was a short silence before..."I mean- like- it's cute how you care a lot about the school, and the plants and stuff."

You stare at her, and see how red she is.

Anne's POV

Jesus, she is so pretty. What. The. Fuck.

She's rambling and she is adorable at it. Oh my god. Im botta jump out the window.

"No no, it's fine, I think your cute." I say that and realize how bad that's gonna end for me. "I mean- like- it's cute how you care a lot about the school, and the plants and stuff."

I am so red aren't I?

~Time skip~

I said yes to going to check out her club.

"Hey guys..." I say to Sasha and Marcy.

"Your going to the green team meeting room to hang out Y/n because you totally have a crush on her." Sasha say with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face.

"Yes?" Anne says.

Anne then goes to find the room you told her to head too. She knocks on the door, and you open it.

"Anne! Guys, this is Anne Boonchuy! She'll be joining us just for today!" You say, and grab her arm pulling her towards the table in the middle of the room.

"Hello, Ms. Boonchuy, thank you for joining us. I was just explaining what we were going to do today. Were going to be pulling out weeds, watering, doing our compost bin, and then, well be planting our new plant. Pink rockroses!"

After that, everyone got to work. Anne was just following you around watching you do your work, and helping with things you needed help with.

"Hey, Y/n?" Martha calls you over.

"Yes Martha?" You walk over to her.

"Do you want me to cut this dead arm off the zucchini?" She asks you, and points to a brown vine.

"Oh! Yes please, we don't want that spreading. Make sure to cut it into tinier pieces and put it into our compost please." You say and walk over to someone else.

"Hey, Y/n? What should we use as fencing for the flower garden?" Jayden asks you, and shows you a metal fencing, and a green mesh fencing.

"We should use the green one. It'll look nicer, and it won't hurt anyone who needs to water." You say, taking the metal one to put back into the classroom.

"Okay, thanks Y/n!" Jayden says and runs back to what they were working on.

"You really know a lot about planting huh?" Anne asks you.

"Yeah, my grandma has a gorgeous garden at her home. She taught me a lot of her tips." You say.

"That's cool." Anne says.

You and her walk into the classroom, and you put the metal fencing in the corner. Ms. Robertson was out helping other students so it was just the 2 of you. You walk up to her.

"Soo, what do you think of the club?" You ask her, leaning on a table.

"It's cool. You guys get to take home the vegetables after their fully grown?" She asks you.

"Yeah, first pick goes to people who work the hardest." You partly joke.

Anne starts to move closer to you. You just realized that you think she's really gorgeous. The clock on the wall's red hand moves closer to the 12, just like Anne is moving closer too. By the time a minute passes the space between you too close and your now kissing.

You 2 of you separate, and realize what happened when you hear a knock at the door.

"Y/n? Were gonna start planting the rockrose, so can you grab the shovel?" Ms. Green says from outside.

"Y-Yeah Okay!" You say, look at Anne, and scramble off.

Anne stands there, and exits the classroom a few seconds after you.

After that, the lunch bell rings and everyone says their thanks to Ms. Green and leaves to their next class.

At the end of the day, Anne tells Sasha and Marcy what happened. So now their looking for you everywhere. You are in the bathroom panicking about what happened.

Anne enters the bathroom.

"Oh- Hey?" Anne says.

"Hey! Uhm about earlier- Like- You see- I don't really know what happened but- if you did it cause like- we were alone- " You were about to say, but Anne grabs you and closes the space once again.

"Did you know you talk a lot?" She says.

AHAHAHAHAHHA I WAS ABLE TO PUT MY PLANT NERD SIDE TO GOOD USE. Also I'm happy the words reached over 1000!!!


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