My Original Made Method

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This method is based on my fictional universe called The Void! The Void is basically the space between the multiverses and it's full of endless hallways lined with doors, some of which lead to different universes! Since it's a way between universes I thought it made sense to make a method around it! The photo attached at the top is a screenshot I made using a design website of what The Void hallways would look like!
I haven't used this method yet, but I will soon and i'll update how my experience goes!

This method relies a lot on visualization, so if you can't visualize well it's probably not the best for you :)


- lay down or sit in whatever position you want and listen to whatever you want
- close your eyes and visualize yourself in a dark hallway, doors lining either side
- imagine yourself walking through this hallway, turning corners, just wandering around
- you can picture yourself opening doors and looking around, maybe behind each door is another hallway, an empty room, or a memory/scene/place from your DR
- keep wandering around while saying affirmations to yourself until you feel symptoms
- when you feel ready, imagine yourself coming across an unique door. it can look anyway you want, but it's different than the others.
- when you open this door you find yourself in the area you'll be in when you first shift. you can see your DRself not far away. the world around them seems to be paused.
- your DRself turns to look at you and smiles, they approach you and say "welcome back" or something similar, then they walk into you
- as they walk into you, you change to look like your DRself (if your DRself looks the same as your ORself then you just don't change appearance wksjejdj)
- visualize yourself getting into whatever position you'll be in when you arrive in your DR and keep affirming
- open your eyes when you feel you've shifted or fall asleep and wake up in your DR!!

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