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this is the moment y'all grab y'all raincoats and umbrellas cause it's bout to be a rain storm lol

Kannushi went forward in a single file line, followed by shinshoku and miko in twos. A chime tingled through the air, alerting passerby. Eyes and bodies gathered, watching as the seemingly endless array of attendants and those presumed to be family followed, each dressed in appropriate celebratory kimono. The villagers marveled at the bride and groom, who walked underneath a massive red fan.

"Oh, she's not Japanese."

"She's beautiful though," Whispering amongst themselves, they couldn't help but feel happy. They recognized the groom as one of their own. Matsuda Ichiro. Son to the town hero, Matsuda Yukio. Those who watched knew what had become of his mother and it pleased them to see members of their community step up to represent his family. He'd been away for so long but how he was welcomed and celebrated upon his return. He appeared stoic and serious, his foreign dark-skinned bride demure yet nervous.

"He's given so much for us. It is thanks to his protection that we are alive and well."

"Banzai!" One or two sets of arms lifted.

"Banzai!" The young man turned emotionless eyes towards them, as more of them lifted their arms. Soon a small resounding 'banzai' spread through the crowd and it was then that the village son broke through his stoicism, a small smile spreading onto his face. Gripping the hand of the miko tighter, she glanced up at Ichiro. His smile spread to show his teeth and she returned it with one of her own. They turned their eyes forward and into Aichi Temple they went, soon disappearing from view.

Standing at the entrance of the temple, they lifted their hands, accepting purified water to be poured across them. Bowing before the shrine, all gave reverence. Coming to the two of them, the priest handed them both a small pouch, its contents unknown. Together, the two of them went up and laid the offerings down at the feet of the gods. Finding it acceptable, the priest stepped inside and so, the groom and bride entered after him.

The kannushi stood at the entrance, gatekeeper of passage. Letting his eyes drift across all those who had attended, he declared in the still silence,

"Matsuda Ichiro, the inuzami, and the okami have chosen your bloodline. Your father, a willing vessel of the inuzami, brought great honor to the gods. They are pleased that you have followed in his path." He spoke not, with the help of two shinshoku performed a bow to the floor in seikeirei.

"You desire to marry this woman, a woman from a faraway land. The kitsune have taken favor of her." The both of them remained quiet, both bowed.

"What is the name she will offer to the gods?"

Bride of War | #wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now