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chapter one, 001pov omniscient, milo and desiree's love story

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chapter one, 001
pov omniscient, milo and desiree's love story

She was the girl that had no real friends at school and he was the boy who loved to sing and dance at school which made him the weird kid. They weren't from the same state at all. She was from a small town in Louisiana and he lived a couple miles away from Venice Beach. How they met was one for the history books.

circa 2017

Desiree had never been so bored in her life. Coming home from an 2 hour long track practice she finally hit her head on her pillow after spending time in the shower. She decided to watch youtube til she fell asleep. But for some reason the screaming and yelling of the Sidemen on her computer couldn't lull her to sleep like it usually did. She huffed in frustration that she wasn't as tired as she thought she was. She then thought of an idea. She got out of her bed and did her hair a bit and put on lip gloss looking down at her tank top and shorts deciding to keep it on.

She then got back into her bed and opened her previously closed laptop. She typed in letters and decided to go to the one site she hated the most...


She scrolled down the site and got to the part where it asked her interests. She decided to put something random like dancing and skating knowing good and well she couldn't dance nor skate. She clicked on the video chat option and braced herself for nonesense that was about to come. She looked over at the time to document how long she will spend on this site. 10:30 pm is what flashed at the bottom of her computer. Desiree looked at the first person on her screen to see a boy with a Trump flag in the back of his screen she immediately clicked off not liking the energy the boy was giving off.

After about 2 hours of being on the site, Desiree was ready to get off of the god forsaken website. She has seen more private parts on this app then irl. She had good conversations with some people that she got their social media handles so that they can talk more. She clicked past the last person she seen only to be met with a dark screen. She looked to the side waiting for the "stranger is typing" icon to come up only to be met with a voice.

"Hey" She heard her screen say and she wondered how long was it going to take him after that to just whip it out.

"If your going to show me something that i don't want to see i will click that button real fast." Desiree said fingers inching towards the 'esc' button.

"What no why would i do that?" the voice asked confused. Desiree looked at her screen in disbelief.

"Well i mean you screen is black and that's the first red flag when it comes to omegle." She explained

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