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Milo Manheim

chapter 005, fivepov omniscient, baby

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chapter 005, five
pov omniscient, baby...you're white.

Weeks went by. Milo and Desiree went back to being how they were before they hated each other. Well before Desiree hated him, they were friends. Milo's friends welcomed Desiree and Sabrina with open arms they loved the two girls company. Everyone thought they were a good edition to the group... everyone but Meg.

See, Meg thought that Desiree wanted her man. She was so far from wrong that it was crazy. Desiree only cared about her friendship with Milo she wouldn't do anything to jepordrize that or let anyone else jepordize that...

megdonnelly wants to send you a message

hi girly how are you?

good how are you?

im good!! i noticed that you haven't followed me yet

so I decided to text you to see whats up.

um theres no problem i just dont think i had to follow you

awe why not? i thought we were cool

I dont think i gave the illisioun
that we were cool

okay look i dont like you as much as you don't like me

can we just do each other a favor i wont talk to you and you wont talk to milo

I never said I didn't like you but the fact that your trying to stop me from being friends with milo is beyond me.

whatever just remember what i said sweetheart

have a lovely day!!🥰

seen at 4:15

two gays and a zombie🏳️‍🌈🧟‍♀️

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